
From The Wiki Force

Skinavish AKA Comrade Chirpski is an Elite Force Member and SonicPanther's partner in crime. He joined when SP pressured him to, and now he loves TFF. He owes this to SP, who takes full credit, because she knows that she rocks. He apparantly is Comrade Chirpski now.

[edit] In-Jokes with SP


  • "Nobody's perfect, *blank* has to work it, pretend it can sing."
  • *number* *blanks* *blanked*, +1 music video! (e.x. "13 terrorists capped, +1 music video!")
  • /bodyfloor
  • *thumbs up* *ding*
  • "That's the way it works, golly gosh!"
  • Special children ("Did you just call me a special child?")
  • Epic McPhail
  • Ladder Climbing Gone Wrong
  • Kall 'o Dutie
  • *foghorn noise*
  • SP: Ask me if I'm sure about something.

Skinavish: Are you sure?
SP: I'm not just sure - I'm HIV-positive!

  • "Don't bother me, I'm power drumming!"
  • Ushankas
  • Chripski the Soviet Bird
  • Willzyx

And more...

[edit] In-Jokes Brought to TFF

Truely, he is king of in-jokes. NOTE: Yup, I have a whole list of 'em.

[edit] Trivia

  • His avatar displays his father's hat collection
  • Is currently in posession of Zeebs' Flamethrower, and will return it to Zeebs at the next convienience.
  • Once read a fanfiction so bad, it hurt his elbow (screenshot or it din't happen!) (Take my word for it man, he fell backwards on his chair and hit his elbow!) NOTE FROM SKINAVISH: I can personaly say that that was the most intense body-floor I had ever done. Ouch.
  • He is also known as Hatavatar, though this name is mostly used by Pokemachine.
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