Florian Foxer

From The Order

Florian Foxer
Basic information
Homeworld Unknown
Physical description
Species Unknown
Gender Male
Age Unknown
Height Unknown
Hair color Unknown
Eye color Unknown
Cybernetics None
Chronological and political information
  • Rise of the Empire era
  • New Republic era
  • New Jedi Order era
  • The Order
  • New Republic
  • Galactic Federation of Free Alliances
Rank Jedi Adept
Caste N/A
Known masters
Known apprentices
  • N/A
Other information
Weapon Single Lightsaber
Ship N/A

" A suitable quote should go here"
- Someone

Florian Foxer is current Jedi Adept of The Jedi Order.


Early Life

Not much is known of Florian and his past.

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