Super Columbine Massacre RPG!
From The D Archives
The Super Columbine Massacre RPG ! is a role playing game made in 2005 concerning the shootings at Columbine high school. The game has been created with the RPG Maker program, which allows one to create his or her own RPG adventures into a Super Nintendo - style format.
On a personal note, I found the game surreally funny and very disturbing at the same time. The game is indeed controversial as hell (and odd too), but at the same time it also manages to explain why these killings happened. It digs into the mind of the two teen shooters, and at least in my opinion manages to show the player that these two individuals were more than mere mindless whack-job killers - they had been pushed to the edge by school bullies and the agonizing world surrounding the american high subcultures and schools in general. Still, though, I don't agree with their actions.