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Welcome to the official wiki of Triton! Here you can find a comprehensive guide to this long-running role playing forum.

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Triton City is a wealthy community adjacent to the Pacific Ocean. Located in San Carlos County between Los Angeles and San Diego, it is in the heart of Southern California. The class system rules all; what you drive, wear, and how much you are worth in U.S. Dollars, your identity.

In the early nineties, the amount of mutants in the human population jumped greatly. Because of this, mutants were faced with great discrimination by the standing population of normal people. For about seven years after gaining notoriety as a demographic in 1994, mutants were feared, persecuted, and were not subject to any particular amount of protection under the law.

However, in 2001, mutant rights were legally granted by the courts in California. This event was referred to as the 'Mutant Liberation' as mutants everywhere celebrated victory in their favor. For once, being a mutant was acceptable. Anti-mutant rights proponents everywhere were treated as bigots, as they surely were.

In fact, it became so acceptable that it's almost a problem. Mutant population rates continue to be on the rise. In fact, it is estimated that roughly 37% of Triton's population is compromised of mutants nowadays, seeing as mutants are becoming more common as a genetic disposition, and seeing as Triton is recognized nationally as being a good city for mutants to live in.

And there is an innate factor to being a mutant that cannot be ignored. That is that a mutant naturally has more skills than your average human. For example, due to the rise in this mutant population, it is near impossible to get a job as a police officer unless you have some sort of power that will benefit you.

This scenario can really be applied to any business. All interrogators must have telepathy, for example. All politicians need to give off pheromones that make the people love them. All construction workers need super strength. All deliverymen need super speed.

The lower class is crashing. The middle class is fearing. And the upper class can only wait as they too are overtaken by the nice but overqualified mutants.

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