AIK Stockholm

From Tekken City

sigh. im a young boy who has no internet. and dosnet get much money sadly because i dont have a job and i have a single mother who has to feed 5 kids including me. ive saved up my money for weeks no . months and i really wanted to buy streets x tekn. and i was just about to buy it the next day until i saw joe's video rant im not wasting my money you mean to tell me that if i buy this game im waisting my money because the vida already gets more chars than the release??? fuck that im sticking to mugen .smh .ima be strait though i love megaman. the entire megaman franchise from game one to x to starforce to zx etc. and the reason ive posted this long ass comment is to show you the severity of the fucked up bull shit that you capcom are doing. im an advent fan of the megaman series me and my younger brother. and we even play street fighter. but marvle vs capcom was a disgrace to to mvc2, umvc3 is an even bigger disgrace! and streets x tekn is no better. honestly from a gamer whos played your games since the 90 s i say to you got jump off a cliff, and bring back the developer's who made your fucking company what it was back in the day. when marvel vs capcom 2 came out me and my friends used to say fuck marvel but seeing what you did with marvel vs capcom 3 untill you guys get your shit together we say FUCK CAPCOM!!!!!!

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