Continue along the passageway.

From Technomancer

Revision as of 06:11, 15 October 2006 by (Talk)
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The passageway slopes downwards for about 30 yards before expanding outwards into a large cave.

The cave is bisected by another chasm, although this side of the chasm has a thirty foot ledge on which stand two giants, and a number of small being that appear to be faintly goblin-like. A similar ledge backons from the far side of the cave.

In addition, a rack of clothing, apparently costumes, stands to your immediate right. There are two types of costumes: some that resemble the strange goblin-like creatures, and some that resemble the outfits worn by Jewish Holy men.

As you watch, the giants pick one of the goblin-like men up and drop-kick him across the chasm to the ledge on the far side.

"We hate Trids, and these guys are Trids," he replies, noting your interest.

"The only thing we hate more are Jewish Holy men."

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