
From Tearsofblood

Revision as of 22:46, 13 June 2008 by Slias the monk (Talk | contribs)

Do we need a Giantkin language? Couldn't they simply use Giant as their language? -Citizen Joe

Should they really get Feldarin (common) as automatic? I realize it is needed for adventurers, but far up north, the race rarely sees Feldarin. -Citizen Joe


Formatting quotes

I was wondering if there is some way that we can have journal entries appear in a different font of background or something so that they stand out as such. -Citizen Joe


"The Giantkin live in small tribes of 30- 300 Giantkin ruled by councils of elders or chiefs. Generally they don’t any inheriteable class system – but there is an exeption – thorough the lands there are three or four Giantkin who are best described as storyteller-lords. "

I think this needs a lot more work. I deduce from this that the position of story-teller lord is passed from father to son but that all other positions (chief , elder etc) are assigned purely on merit. However I had to read it three times before I came to that conclusion and I am not even sure that was the intention. Also this sounds somewhat like a high-level prestige class with the following requirements:

  • giantkin race
  • must have studied for X years at the feet of another story-teller lord or be related to one.
  • there must be a vacancy
  • various bardic requirements

For what it is worth I agree with the comments regarding language.


"In the days long past, when the Giantkin had a greater sense of unity, there was a tradition of tribes travelling and gathering near the lord of the area where there would be an occurence every five years that could be best described as a very big fair – lots of trading, court disputes of great importance, competitions for the best wrestlers, archers, singers, storytellers and many others. During the Plague, one of the lords wanted to revive the tradition and call together the gathering, but only two tribes appeared. Nowadays these fairplaces are long left behind, only wind, birds and reindeer going there and lords live in the swamps and islands."

Is there a better word than "fair"? For example "moot" if that is not already overworked in fantasy contexts.

ritual cannabalism

This probably has long term consequences on disease etc. Is this something that needs to be developed? Do shamans eat the brains of deceased shamans to gain better access to the spirit world? Does eating the flesh of a plague victim subvert the giantkin's immunity to the plague?

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