
From Tearsofblood

Revision as of 21:57, 7 November 2007 by Citizen Joe (Talk | contribs)
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Don't ask me what the extra asterisks are doing sprinkled everywhere. This baby needs a template.

I'm still conflicted about the exact time line of the elven origins. There's talk of profane rituals and of being beautiful and being peaceful. This really doesn't seem to go together. To that end, I'd like to see the origin moved over onto a theory page rather than being right out there. Perhaps discussed in the three elven cultures where they debate about the exact nature of their origin some 450 years ago. Just call it a mysterious ritual involving a powerful being and leave the specifics up for debate. -Citizen Joe

We need a name for the elven race. I'm up for Lindarin, and I don't mind if the term 'elf' sticks as a nickname or a derogatory term. I just don't see them referring to themselves as elves. -Citizen Joe


In the ongoing discussion about lycanthropy, I indicated my desire that elves are 'supernatural' and thus animal spirits shy away from them, which in turn makes them less likely to contract (or be completely immune) the curse. -Citizen Joe

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