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The Fleshwrought – Major Bloodline Level|Special Ability


2nd|Sleeplessness 3rd|Strength +1 4th|Lesser Replacement, +1 on saves against nausea, massive damage, and effects that cause pain 5th|Fleshwrought Affinity +2 6th|+2 on saves against poison and paralysis 7th|+2 on Heal checks 8th|Lesser Replacement, +1 on saves against nausea, massive damage, and effects that cause pain 9th|Constitution +1 10th|+2 on saves against energy-draining effects 11th|Fleshwrought Affinity +4 12th|Replacement, +1 on saves against nausea, massive damage, and effects that cause pain 13th|+2 on Intimidate Checks 14th|+2 on saves against disease 15th|Strength +1 16th|Replacement, +1 on saves against nausea, massive damage, and effects that cause pain 17th|Fleshwrought Affinity +6 18th|Tirelessness 19th|+2 on Heal Checks 20th|Replacement, +1 on saves against nausea, massive damage, and effects that cause pain

Special Abilities

Surgeon – At 1st level, due to experience gained replacing and manipulating his/her own anatomy, Heal becomes a class skill for any character with the Fleshwrought bloodline.

Sleeplessness – Beginning at 2nd level, a character with the Fleshwrought bloodline no longer needs to sleep. A spell caster with the Fleshwrought bloodline still needs 8 hours of rest to prepare spells. Additionally, a Fleshwrought is immune to Sleep effects.

Lesser Replacement – At 4th level and again at 8th level, a character with the Fleshwrought bloodline begins to replace parts of his/her body with the flesh of others. The character gains 3 Replacement Points (RP), which the character can use to replace parts of his/her body. A character may only make one replacement at a time, and any RP unused are held over until the character’s next opportunity to make a replacement. Unless otherwise stated, multiple uses of the same replacement do not stack. Replacements are chosen from the list below. Due to the unique nature of Fleshwrought physiology as well as the surgical skill they acquire over time, making a replacement deals no damage to a Fleshwrought, nor does it impose any penalties on the Fleshwrought.

Fleshwrought Affinity – At 5th level, a character with the Fleshwrought bloodline gains a +2 bonus on Bluff, Diplomacy, Gather Information, Intimidate, and Perform checks when dealing with Fleshwrought and Plaguetouched. This bonus increases to +4 at 11th level and +6 at 17th level.

Replacement – At 12th, 16th, and 20th level, a character with the Fleshwrought bloodline continues to replace parts of his/her body with the flesh of others. He/she gains 5 RP. This ability otherwise functions identically to the Lesser Replacement ability.

Tirelessness – Beginning at 18th level, a character with the Fleshwrought bloodline does not become Fatigued when he/she otherwise would. The character does, however, become Fatigued when subject to an effect that would otherwise cause Exhaustion.


   * Webbed limbs (1 RP) – “It looks like the Creature wins another round.” The Feldarin captain had her men pull the corpse aboard. “It moves like a fish, but kills like a man…” she ran her fingers over the telltale knife wounds on the bloated body. “I may know what we're up against, but I surely hope I'm wrong.”
   * Some Fleshwrought gain access to the more exotic limbs of aquatic races. Fleshwrought gains two webbed limbs, granting a +10 racial bonus to swim checks. +1 Natural Armor (2 RP) – The Fleshwrought replaces strategic portions of their skin with tougher hide, increasing his/her natural ability to resist blows. The AC bonuses granted by multiple uses of this replacement stack.
   * Lesser Killing Limb (2 RP) – The Fleshwrought gains a claw attack that deals 1d6 + strength damage (for a medium Fleshwrought). Unlike normal natural attacks, this claw counts as a manufactured weapon for the purpose of magical enhancement (though it will likely be difficult to find a caster willing to make your severed arm into a severed arm +1) and is considered of masterwork quality. A Fleshwrought may not have more claw attacks than he/she has natural limbs (4 for humanoid creatures).
   * Killing Limb (4 RP) – The Fleshwrought gains a claw attack that deals 1d8 + strength damage (for a medium Fleshwrought). Unlike normal natural attacks, this claw counts as a manufactured weapon for the purpose of magical enhancement (though it will likely be difficult to find a caster willing to make your severed arm into a severed arm +1). A Fleshwrought with the Lesser Killing Limb, Slamming Limb, or Fang replacements may maintain that replacement (and any magical enhancements thereto), increasing the damage dealt by that attack. A Fleshwrought may not have more claw attacks than he/she has natural limbs (4 for humanoid creatures).
   * Slamming Limb (2 RP) – The Fleshwrought gains a slam attack that deals 1d6 + strength damage (for a medium Fleshwrought). This replacement is otherwise identical to the Killing Limb replacement.
   * Reaching Limb (4 RP) – The Fleshwrought’s natural attacks count has reach weapons. Unlike other reach weapons, the Fleshwrought can still attack adjacent foes with his/her natural weapons. Prerequisite – At least one natural weapon.
   * Strong Stomach (2 RP) – The Fleshwrought gains a +2 bonus on saves against poison and (non-magial) diseases.
   * Fangs (2 RP) – The Fleshwrought gains a vicious bite attack that deals piercing damage dependent on its size: Small 1d4, Medium-size 1d6, Large 1d8. If you get multiple attacks in a round, you can bite multiple times. Your bite is treated as a natural weapon and does not provoke attacks of opportunity. Unlike normal natural attacks, this bite counts as a manufactured weapon for the purpose of magical enhancement and is considered of masterwork quality.
   * Darkvision (3 RP) – The Fleshwrought can see in total darkness out to a range of 60 feet. Darkvision is black and white only but is otherwise like normal sight.
   * Leaper (1 RP) – The Fleshwrought has strengthen his/her legs to increase his/her jumping ability. He/she gains a +10 racial bonus to Jump checks.
   * Greater Killing Limb (6 RP)[/b] –The Fleshwrought gains a claw attack that deals 1d10 + strength damage (for a medium Fleshwrought). Unlike normal natural attacks, this claw counts as a manufactured weapon for the purpose of magical enhancement (though it will likely be difficult to find a caster willing to make your severed arm into a severed arm +1). A Fleshwrought with the Lesser Killing Limb replacement or the Killing Limb replacement may maintain that replacement (and any magical enhancements thereto), increasing the damage dealt by the original claw attack. A Fleshwrought may not have more claw attacks than he/she has natural limbs (4 for humanoid creatures). A Fleshwrought with the Slamming Limb or Fang replacements may take this replacement to increase the damage of that attack.
   * Grabbing Limb (6 RP) – The Fleshwrought gains the Improved Grab special ability.
   * Rending Limbs (6RP) – If the Fleshwrought hits with at least two natural attacks, he/she may make a rend attack that deals 2d6 + 1.5 times his/her strength modifier damage. Prerequisite – At least 2 natural weapons.
   * Enlarged Form (6 RP) – The Fleshwrought gains the Powerful Build ability.
   * Nimble Fingers (2 RP) –”Not all of us choose to outfit ourselves as killing machines...” the warped figure said to the halfling, looking up from its work sewing up the field dressing. “Some Fleshwrought prefer the smaller, more dextrous limbs of the little races to aid them in certain subtler tasks.” and it wiggled its miniscule digits gleefully, its nightmare visage all gruesome grin.
     Fleshwrought gains a +5 racial bonus to Open Lock and appropriate Craft, Profession, and Perform checks. (ex: Profession(surgery) is acceptable, but Perform(singer) is not.)
   * Muscle Memory (2 RP) – “Some call us sick graverobbers, twisted maniacs,” the wizened skinmaster said to his pupils. “But the truth is, every part of us has had a life and a history, and we are simply continuing the story.”
     Fleshwrought purchases Muscle Memory with another replacement and gains a +5 bonus to specified skill, when the previous owner of the replacement had substantial experience with that skill.
   * Abnormal Anatomy (2 RP) – “Gurrk!” The adventuring party watched in horror as the irregular and gaunt frame of their cleric was suddenly shot through with arrows from the leafy darkness. “S'okay...” the Fleshwrought choked out while plucking the shafts from his chest, “I don't keep my heart up there anymore.”
     Some Fleshwrought have altered themselves enough that their weak points are often very difficult to judge. Fleshwrought is considered to have Light Fortification.
   * Improved Abnormal Anatomy (4 RP) – The wheezing, hulking thing before Peregrin was only remotely humanoid. It shambled down the path toward him with a disquietingly swift gait. To his disgust and horror, its twisted, dripping maw began to speak, “Excuse me, is this the road to Palewood?”
     For some Fleshwrought, modification continues until they are anatomically bizarre enough to foil most attempts to exploit weak points. Fleshwrought is considered to have Moderate Fortification. (prereq. Abnormal Anatomy)

Replacement Mechanics

Fleshwrought characters use the Heal skill to determine whether or not they have successfully made a replacement. With a successful DC 15 Heal check, a Fleshwrought character can make a functional but noticeable replacement of a basic, relatively easy-to-replace body part (hands, feet, fingers, skin, etc). In order to alter facial features, bone structure, and other more difficult replacements, the Heal DC increase to 20. Fleshwrought characters can make cosmetic replacements in addition to the replacements resulting from bloodline special abilities. Additionally, a Fleshwrought can attempt to disguise replacements by accepting a -10 circumstance penalty to his/her Heal check. If successful, observers have difficulty noticing the replacement, but can notice the replacement with a Spot check. The DC for this check is 15 + the amount by which the Fleshwrought exceeded the replacement DC. Furthermore, a Fleshwrought successful at disguising his/her replacements can use them as a disguise, gaining a +5 circumstance bonus to Disguise checks when using replacements to aid the disguise. A Fleshwrought only needs to make a Heal check when making a cosmetic replacement, not when using Replacement Points to make a replacement.

In order to make a replacement, the Fleshwrought must have access to body parts that would allow the replacement. In most cases, this simply means the Fleshwrought needs access to any humanoid body parts, which he/she can alter to the specifications desired (sharpening claws and teeth, etc). In some cases (for example, the Darkvision replacement), characters may need body parts from specific types of humanoids. Whether the character needs special body parts is up the DM.

Should Fleshwrought have the capacity to become great doctors/surgeons?

23 95.83% (23) Yes

cannot reproduce

The Fleshwroughts' origin is...

20 83.33% (20) b. known to a few individuals and groups but largely confused with rumor and myth

Mages experimenting with using plague victims’ bodies for Flesh Golems accidentally alter their own bodies, such that they gradually feel driven to replace their body parts with new ones, becoming the first Fleshwrought. The mages realize that they’ve created a variant strain of the Weeping that, instead of killing its victim, turns them into a Fleshwrought. e. As choice D, but the variant is peddled by a secret organization as a plague cure, tricking people into becoming Fleshwrought. This organization then uses them for labor (or whatever other purpose they choose). WINS

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