
From Tearsofblood

{{ #if:{{{title}}}| {{#if:{{{image}}}| {{ #if:{{{caption}}}| {{ #if:|
[[Image:{{{image}}}|300px| ]]
Capital {{{capital}}}
Population {{{population}}}
Government Type {{{form of government}}}
{{{title}}} }}
{{{image}}} }}


Population {{{population}}}}}

This template is for use in any article about a country, province, kingdom, area or settlement within Ursoule. Most of the parameters are left optional. If left undefined they will not appear. The recommended image size is a width of 250px so that it will completely fill the infobox without increasing its size.

Add wiki links to articles on capital city, ruler and races.


| title      = 
| image      = 
| caption    = 
| name       = 
| size       = 
| capital    = 
| area       = 
| ruler      = 
| government = 
| population = 
| races      = 
| religions  = 
| imports    = 
| exports    = 
| alignment  = 
| source     = 
| page       = 

An example is shown to the right:

{{ #if:{{{form of government}}}| {{ #if:{{{title}}}| {{#if:| {{ #if:Need image| {{ #if:120,000|
[[Image:|300px| ]]
Need image
Population 120,000
Government Type {{{form of government}}} |


{{{title}}} }}
Need image


Port Conastinia
Population 120,000}}
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