From Tearsofblood
<needs to be written, but here's what we voted on. This was just copied as is from the book draft. There IS a writeup here: but it needs some work and as explained in the thread, it is non-standard, at least as far as the other writeups go. We haven't agreed upon a true standard yet.>
Racial Statistics
- Immune to the Plague
- +2 Str, +2 Wis, -2 Dex, -2 Cha.
- Large Size
- Base land speed: 30 ft.
- Reach: 10 ft.
- Cold Resistance +5.
- Weathervision.
- +2 Racial Bonus to Survival Checks.
- Unable to benefit from speed bonuses.
- Initiative penalty.
- Heavy Armour Proficiency must be bought with a regular feat - it cannot be granted through a Class feat.
- Reduced starting gold (amount to be decided).
- Automatic languages: Common and Giantkin
- Bonus Languages: Giant, Eskimo, Ogre
- Favoured Class: Monk (eastern (Asian) flavour).
The Giantkin are distantly related to Giants (and most information about it probably comes from legends)
Giantkin live in the frozen tundra north of the Empire and in the arctic wastes in the extreme north
Giantkin live among the Eskimo Humans in the north, but they are seperate groups.
The Giantkin trade with other races.
The Giantkin travel to the Feldarin Empire because they're hired as bouncers, guards and the like; they were abducted to find the cure and eventually released; and because they are expected to go forth and seek wisdom in their youth.
The Giantkin are animistic (they worship spirits).
The Giantkin have canabilistic practices as a final honour for the dead.
Giantkin very rarely ride animals.
The Giantkin keep (and eat) Mammoths, Oxen, Reindeer, Yaks, and possibly some Bison.
The Giantkin also get food from fishing and from hunting Mammoths and Seals.