Sam Skinner

From Survival Of The Fittest

Name: Sam Skinner
Gender: Male
Age: 16
Grade: 10th grade.
Extra Curricular Activity: He helps kids in the lower years with the comic club, Which he and his friend run. Tae kwon do - orange belt so he's just a beginner.
School: Bathurst High

Appearance: Sam is tall for his age, Around 6ft 3. Although his stregnth doesnt exactly match his height. He has long brown hair, reaching just to the top of his shoulders and is usually greasy and unkept. He usual wears simply clothing, Blue jeans, A red che geuvvero T-shirt and a jacket. For foot wear he prefers Hiking boots to anything else. Overall he looks like your average comic nerd.

Biography: Sam was born to a respectable family. His father was a surgeon and his mother a nurse. The money came flooding in and they lived in a large house with a few acres of land to go with it. Everything was good as he would sit and draw as a young boy, and constantly argueing with his sister. The argueing only enabled him to be sarcastic about everything in later life. But at the age of 13 his parents divorced, Leaving sam and his sister to live with their mom. They soon moved into a smaller house, and again life was good for sam, He wasnt really fazed by the split of his parents, He still saw his dad as much and would be treated with a trip to the cinema every week, More inspiration for his comics. As he got older his comics and drawings got him more and more recognized in school, and more popular. He would be comisioned by other students to draw whatever they wanted, And mostly that was half naked japanese girls.

Overall he is a popular guy, he has a large group of set friends and most everyone else in his grade are good aquitances. He has high hopes for the future, His talent keeps getting better and better and is destined to become a popular artist.

Relationships: none yet

Cliques: Just about anyone and everyone. He has a large group of friends and will hang out with all types of people.

Other: Mr. Skinner lives in a fantasy world(Not literally) filled with his hundreds of comic heroe's and villians, and often will tell an hour long story about his comic to anyone he can get to listen. The fantasy that he lives in sometimes makes his actions look somewhat clumsy, trying to reinact the drawings he has placed on paper. But as we all know not everyone can jump 14ft and back kick a giant lizard in the face, but still he tries. His grades are just below average in everything but drama and art.

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