Daniel Price

From Survival Of The Fittest

Name: Daniel Christopher Vincent Price
Gender: Male
Age: 15
Grade: 9
School: Bathurst High
Extra Curricular Activities: Guitar, Anime Club

Description: Daniel has bright pink hair with black tips that's gelled up to match hide's "pink spider PV" style and hazel eyes that look green or brown depending on the light. His body type is fairly average for someone his age. He tends to wear Lolita or Kabuki-inspired Harajuku gear, he also often wears his favourite T-shirt, a red one with "Fuct" written in white on the front, and the signatures of all 6 living members of Spread Beaver on the back. When outside of school he always wears his orange cyber-punk goggles on his head, he sometimes draws one of the 3 kanji characters he knows (all names of his favourite singers) in eyeliner under his eye.

Daniel was born in England, named "Christopher Vincent" after 2 of the greatest hammer horror actors of all time by his horror movie-fanatic Father, who soon left Daniel's mother to pursue a career in making horror movies. As a baby he was abused by his mother's boyfriend and subsequently spent most of his first year in a foster home until being adopted at the age of 1.

After that he had a fairly normal, uneventful childhood aside from a few times he had to be rushed to hospital following "playing" with his 2 older brothers, which often resulted in broken bones, broken toys and, on one occassion a half swallowed bottle of bleach. When he was 10, he fell over at a friend's birthday party and severely cut his knee open on a piece of metal sticking out from the floor, the wound healed but has always left him unable to run very fast for more than a few seconds without feeling a lot of pain in that leg.

At school, Daniel was severly bullied for several years due to him being a "pod" (English insult for someone who's intelligent and works hard) and the fact that he wasn't like normal boys, not liking the things kids of his age liked. He fell into depression.

His parents decided to get the internet as a reward for him doing well in his SATs, randomly googling one day a picture caught his eye, he clicked on it and was shocked when the picture was of a man, a musician, he downloaded some music and his life changed.

He dyed his hair pink and started playing the guitar, going to conventions and meeting other fans of Jrock, he made real friends and started to be actually happy for the first time in his life becoming comfortable with himself, having a set of ideals to live by. He shared his story online with many other who'd had a similar experience, and became a devout hide-ist, his bedroom and everything he owned covered in X-Japan memorabelia.

When his Father moved to America as part of a job Daniel began attenting Bathurst.

Clique: Otaku.

Relationships: none yet.

Other: He dreams of becoming a rock star like his idols X-Japan, and breaking the boundaries of gender expectation. One of his main ideals in life is "Stay Free your Misery".

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