Chi Masumi
From Survival Of The Fittest
Name: Chi Masumi
Gender: female
Age: 18
Grade: 10th
Extra Curricular Activity: N/A
School: Barry Coleson High
Appearance: 5'7", 140 lbs. Chi is thin, but curvy for an asian girl. She doesn't have much muscle but she is very fast. Her face is vacant. You will rarely see her smile, except when "you know who" walks by her. Her hair is black and down to her waist, which she often wears in braids.
Biography: Chi's father died before she was born. Her mother raised her until she was 13, when her mom was killed in a drive by shooting. Chi developed a drug habit and ended up moving in with her 32 year old drug dealer, who's only name was X. He whored her out in order to pay for her drugs. Chi was out of school for several years, then decided to go back. She still works as a prostitute to pay off her drug debt.
Other: Chi's advantage is she doesn't mind killing everyone to win, except for one other student.
Number: 12
As written by BRMitsuko12. No edits have been made to the author's original work.
Designated Weapon: Slingshot (x15 shots)
Conclusions: Will definately, without a doubt, keep male viewers 18 through 35 interested in her, and SOTF. She'd definately make good marketing for the SOTF ACT. I wonder, though...what would've happened if she had gotten a sickle? (Heh...)
Contents[hide] |
Kills: 1; Katherine Marks (via a marble through the eyeball and to the brain)
Killed by: Elijah Rice
Collected Weapons: Slingshot (issued weapon)
Allies: Jimmy Moreland, Glenn Hughes, Wednesday Garci
Enemies: Clemence Ceillet de Rousseau
Mid-game evaluation:
End-game evaluation:
Memorable Quote(s):
The various threads that contained Chi. In order from first to finish.
Chi Masumi, G12, Begins
Jimmy and Chi
B35 - Starting Point
B35 G12 Continued
Blood At The Warehouse...
Sweet Dreams At The Ravine
Your Thoughts
Whether you were a fellow handler in SOTF or just an avid reader of the site, we'd like to know what you thought about Chi Masumi. What did you like, or dislike, about the character? Let us know here!