Atticus Maybelle

From Survival Of The Fittest

Name: Atticus Maybelle
Gender: Male
Age: 16
Grade: 10th
School: Bathurst High
Extra Curricular Activities: Guitar, Art

Description: Atticus would be one of those people who are called 'emo'. The front side of his black hair is down, his bangs going in a left vertical slant. The back of his hair is spiked up. He has a brown eyes that blend with his white skin. He wears tight Ambercombie and Fitch, Tommy H., etc. shirts. He wears either dark navy blue jeans or light blue jeans, both of which are ripped. He usually wears black converse which match with his black armbands and bracelets on his arm.

Clique: Emo Group

Relationships: None

Other: Atticus keeps to himself, he's social but only to people he knows. To others he is quiet, shy, etc. But with someone he knows or gets to know he opens up and reveals his nice personality. Atticus is nice, but unfortunately he has quite a few flaws in his personality. He lies a lot to people he doesn't know and has his own unsuspecting motives for everything he does. His nickname is Attic, he doesn't really like being called Atticus, it cramps his style. Too formal. On the side Atticus likes to play his guitar and listen to music. Basically that's what he does. Sometimes he likes to draw, but one of his most interesting hobbies is that he loves TV. He loves watching reality shows as well as soap operas. Soap operas more.

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