
From Superdickery

The home of Kris.

Nothing here apart from sheep, pubs, take aways, and large, destructive all-male voice choirs. But he loves it.

The Welsh language is composed mostly of the letters 'c', 'r', 'y', and 'w'. When multiple Welsh get into an argument, it is possible that the strange mixture caused by multiple people talking in that abhorrent language will summon the dark god, Cthulhu.

Wales is also the world leader in animal bestiality jokes, just narrowly beating out Australia, New Zealand, and most of the southern United States.

It should be noted however, that the "most of the southern United States" mentioned above, is composed primarily of Irish, Scottish, and Welsh descendants. This does not include Texas, which was settled by the Czechs, and has been having a very large inflow of Mexicans over the last century.

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