From Superdickery
Virgie likes to think Gracie looks like Violet from The Incredibles, because of one of Gracie's avatars.
GracieLizzy is an anime/manga loving girl from Great Britain who lives dangerously close to bravelybravesirrobin. Although she does not post as frequently as the regulars, she is well known and well loved for her smiley skills, general awesomeness, and knowing more about shoujo manga (including Sailor Moon) than Minnesota President.
She made very popular custom smilies for the Superdickery Forum.
File:Att.gif File:Bing.gif File:Siad.gif File:Tas.gif
There was also a fifth one which said 'Everything's Better With Monkeys', but Mike decided against its use.
Gracie joined at the 11th August 2005 and is member number 349.