Eat Poop You Cat
From Superdickery
'Eat Poop You Cat' is a game once run by Muhammad McGee, currently run by shanealt, and participated in by the vast majority of forum members. All games are currently archived here, with the current thread located here.
List of Players
- Dongs REO Speedwagon
- Ducky
- Drake everman
- Eno-prefers captions.
- EspanolBot
- Gman
- Hobo
- Ingiald
- Jaap
- Jack Cain-captions only.
- Justin Carr
- Odin
- Pivitor
- PsychosesMan
- ROBRAM89-prefers captions.
- Shirkie-last resort.
- SnoKoneManiac
- Supernaut
- Ykari