The Virgi

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Revision as of 13:48, 20 April 2007 by Doctor Sneeze (Talk | contribs)
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Virgil and Virgie, who were long-distance dating, have met, and have fucked.

They broke up on good terms in early May 2006. Said good terms were ruined a week later. They've spoken once since then.

Little Known Facts About The Virgi's

- Virgil and Virgie will often rub up against people to lay their scent and mark their territory.

- The Virgi'ocracy is government by The Virgi's.

- Human beings are the only animals that copulate while facing The Virgi's.

- When provoked, Virgil & Virgie will swivel the tip of their abdomen and shoot a jet of boiling chemicals at their attacker.

- Virgil used to be scared of the German language, as it is an angry language. However, when its what your girlfriend screams during sex, you learn to enjoy it.

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