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Welsh. 'nuff said.

Kris was born in wales in 1983. Raised to be proud of who he is, and where he comes from, he is very very protective of his country. Studied for most of his life, gaining 11 GCSE's 4 A-Levels, and a Degree in Business and Psyc, Kris has finaly left education and is now working full time in the IT trade.

An avid drummer, he used to teach during his spare time, but due to the pressure of work, social life, and trying to make it in the music industry, he has unfortunatly stoped teaching. His style is unique, and has been head hunted by other bands (LX, NeoGlass, Tim Experiance, Centerfold) in the swansea area, but has turned down to concentrate on White Dice which is getting a lot of attention and winning awards.

He's probably the SD Jock. He used to play rugby and is an avid fan of getting fit and exercising. Kris is also a flirt. He has been linked with a few members of SD's female community, all of which he denies as they are simply "his friends," and really he is a softy. And always has been. He likes to think he's tough and macho, when really deep down he's a romantic. Kris's past relationships (bar a few) have been really bad. Kris now finds it hard to let people close.

Kris would write a list of girls on SD he would like to take out for a drink, but this would result in him having to fly out and buy them a drink... they know who they are ;)

Kris must wait two years before meeting MB otherwise he will be arrested. ;)

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