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Extremely awesome dude who fucks Virgil's mother on the weekends.

DiscipleJohn has been a friend of Virgil's for two years now, when they met in highschool. Originally just a person Virgil sort of knew, they became best buds, and roommates at college. DiscipleJohn is much stronger than Virgil. Much. DiscipleJohn joined Mental Corrosion and then Cerebral Erosion, often running for admin. He always lost.

DiscipleJohn is a hilarious drunk, due to the fact he gets angry at inanimate objects that can be interracted with. He rarely starts a fight with anyone else while drunk, and won't yell at stupid things like rocks. Instead, he'll come back to his place, and if the TV is on, he'll start arguing with whatever is on.

One particular time of choice is him settling down and watching one of the latest seasons of Pokemon. He constantly insulted Ash, told him how hard his pokemon sucked, and demanded Ash use Charizard against the "fruity plant bug thing". When he finally realized that the only pokemon he recognized was Pikachu, Ash had changed clothes, and all of the supporting cast had been ditched and replaced, he then began yelling at Ash for not using any of his awesome pokemon anymore, and that if he ditched Charizard he was "a giant, wet, dripping pussy".

Eventually, he took a swing at Ash on the TV. This did not work as he intended.

If you are ever around a drunk DiscipleJohn and a TV, turn it to a 24-hour news network, and watch the hilarity that ensues.

Update: DiscipleJohn is prone to attacking those who outmatch him when drunk.

Whenever he is faced with something that totally surpasses his talent level, that thing is "broken". Much like when Virgil beats him at Smash Bros at least ten times in a row.

DiscipleJohn co-founded Tapdancing In Snow Productions.

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