
From Superdickery

Revision as of 04:30, 23 October 2007 by Matthew The Raven (Talk | contribs)


To come.

He has decided that when he has the time, he will watch Amélie with each of his friend individually. If they do not like the movie, then the friendship shall be annulled. Which implies that the friendship will be retroactively erased and declaired invalid in the eyes of the Lord. Harsh.

Fun Facts:

- Pretty, pretty hair.

- Roughly nine feet tall. We call him Manute.

-Cannot fit in a Miata.

- Is the lead guitarist of the Death metal band Deathklok and the fastest guitarist alive.

- Alabaster derives from the Arabic, in which it means "the Abaster."

- Never, ever changed his avatar.

- Born to hunt dinosaurs.

- A pathetic creature of meat and bone.

- He's different!

- Worst. Signature. Ever.

- Will slay the great root dragon Nidhogg towards the end Ragnarök before he is consumed by Fenris.

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