From Superdickery
Dick Grayson, the original Robin, was fired, or quit (stupid retcons) and eventually took on a new identity--the first of the original Teen Titans to do so--as Nightwing. He started off with a pretty goofy outfit that has been dubbed "the disco outfit" by some, then a goofy 90's outfit, to the one he currently wears, which is pretty cool.
Nightwing is widely considered the teen heartthrob of the DCU. Seriously, name one woman who wouldn't want to nail him. You just can't. It's got to be the mask. Or his chisled physique or acrobatic flexibilty. Or maybe it's the fact that he carries around two phallic Escrima with him all the time.
Nightwing has bumped uglies with: Starfire, Oracle, Huntress, Tarantula (although it's arugably rape on her part), Mirage (another technical rape, as she was pretending to be Starfire) and probably some others.
Nowadays however, Nightwing is a little bitch. He gets his ass kicked by just about everybody he fights, and is overshadowed by everyone he works with.