
From Superdickery

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The Beginning

[04:30] * BDS changes topic to 'http://superdickery.forumcircle.com/index.php The New Superdickery | TSI is a Denebien Slime Devil, I didn't mean to say SD was Garbage....I meant to say it should be hauled away, AS garbage!' [04:31] <@BDS> :D [04:31] <@BDS> Hot Topic scares me. [04:32] <@Starke|Crysis> as it should be [04:32] <@BDS> as does Andy Warhol [04:32] <@BDS> Andy Warhol looks like he could be my evil, defective clone. [04:32] <@BDS> If I were hideously ugly, I'd be Andy Warhol. [04:33] <@BDS> But I'm sexy. [04:33] <@BDS> so I'm not. [04:33] <@BDS> :D [04:33] * TSI sets mode: +b BDS!*bdsproduc@Nightstar-7955.bchsia.telus.net [04:33] <@TSI> Think about what you've done. [04:34] * TSI sets mode: -o BDS [04:34] * BDS (~bdsproduc@Nightstar-7955.bchsia.telus.net) has left #superdickery[04:34] * @TSI whistles the "I love abusing power!" song. [04:34] <@Starke|Crysis> what has he done? [04:34] <@Starke|Crysis> [04:34] <@TSI> I wonder if he realizes he can't just rejoin and get ops back. [04:34] <@Starke|Crysis> no idea [04:34] <@TSI> Mmm. [04:35] * TSI changes topic to 'http://superdickery.forumcircle.com/index.php The New Superdickery | BDS is a Denebien Slime Devil Toe Fungus, I didn't mean to say SD was Garbage....I meant to say it should be hauled away, AS garbage!' [04:35] * TSI sets mode: -b BDS!*bdsproduc@Nightstar-7955.bchsia.telus.net [04:35] * BDS (~bdsproduc@Nightstar-7955.bchsia.telus.net) has joined #superdickery [04:36] * Starke|Crysis is now known as Starke [04:36] * ChanServ sets mode: +o BDS [04:36] <@TSI> Hehehe. [04:36] * BDS sets mode: +b *!*@131.194.226.ns-22626 [04:36] <@TSI> Hahahaha. [04:36] <@TSI> [04:36] * TSI was kicked by BDS (This is not that hard.) [04:36] <@BDS> :P [04:37] <@BDS> :D [04:38] <Supernaut> http://www.thinkgeek.com/computing/input/9c89/ [04:38] <Supernaut> I must have this. [04:38] <@BDS> EAT MILD INCONVENIENCE TSI [04:38] <Supernaut> Oh God YES. [04:39] * BDS changes topic to 'http://superdickery.forumcircle.com/index.php The New Superdickery | I shot TSI!' [04:39] <@BDS> :D [04:39] <Supernaut> The ep where the Enterprise has to stop two versions of the same man from meeting is on. [04:40] <@BDS> heh [04:40] <@BDS> ya [04:40] <@BDS> yay* [04:40] <@BDS> mahahha [04:40] <@BDS> I caused mild inconvenience [04:40] <Supernaut> Did you ban him? [04:40] <@BDS> Yes. [04:40] <@BDS> He can deban himself [04:40] <@BDS> He just seems to have forgotten. -Later- [04:45] * TSI (~TSI@131.194.226.ns-22626) has joined #Superdickery [04:45] * ChanServ sets mode: +o TSI [04:45] <@BDS> :P [04:45] <Jack_Cain> STOP THEM [04:45] <@Starke> STARKE! NOW IN STERIO! :D [04:45] * BDS sets mode: +v TSI [04:45] * Jack_Cain hides [04:45] <@TSI> Hmm. [04:45] <@BDS> ... [04:45] <@BDS> well that didn't work [04:45] <@TSI> Yeah, I was having trouble with some of the unban commands. [04:46] * TSI was kicked by BDS (Just testing :D) [04:46] * TSI (~TSI@131.194.226.ns-22626) has joined #superdickery [04:46] * ChanServ sets mode: +o TSI [04:46] <@BDS> Ah. [04:46] <@TSI> I'm still a sop [04:46] <@Starke> !in soviet russia, IRC unbans yoU [04:46] <@Starke> [04:46] <@TSI> But for some reason the unban commands didn't work. [04:46] <@BDS> Sop? [04:46] <@BDS> Ah. [04:46] <@BDS> Odd. [04:46] <@Starke|Crysis> level 10 access [04:46] * BDS sets mode: +b *!*@131.194.226.ns-22626 [04:46] * @Starke|Crysis pines for level 10 access [04:46] * TSI was kicked by BDS (Working now? :P) [04:46] * Starke sets mode: -b *!*@131.194.226.ns-22626 [04:46] <@BDS> D: [04:46] <@BDS> JUDAS [04:47] * Starke sets mode: +b *!*@Nightstar-7955.bchsia.telus.net [04:47] <@BDS> Unban commands require being in chat. [04:47] <@BDS> Its in Channel modes. [04:47] * BDS was kicked by Starke (PRIEST!) [04:47] * Starke sets mode: -b *!*@Nightstar-7955.bchsia.telus.net [04:47] * BDS (~bdsproduc@Nightstar-7955.bchsia.telus.net) has joined #superdickery [04:48] * TSI (~TSI@131.194.226.ns-22626) has joined #Superdickery [04:48] * ChanServ sets mode: +o TSI [04:48] * BDS was kicked by TSI (TSI) [04:48] * BDS (~bdsproduc@Nightstar-7955.bchsia.telus.net) has joined #superdickery [04:48] * TSI sets mode: +b BDS!*bdsproduc@Nightstar-7955.bchsia.telus.net [04:48] * BDS was kicked by TSI (TSI) [04:49] * Supernaut rolls on the floor, his ass having fallen off with laughter.

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