The Unnamed board
From Superdickery
Revision as of 14:02, 20 April 2007
Virgil had long since thought that MC needed an overhaul, something to just make it...better. So he researched, and figured out how to make the board better
Step 1: Grab Invision software, that wasn't for the crappy free boards
Step 2: Find a webhost to put the boards on
Step 3: Install the boards
Step 4: Install all the extra features
Step 5: Adjust everything to make sure it works right
Step 6: Name the boards
Step 7: Open it to everyone who went to the Superdickery Forums and Mental Corrosion
Cerebral Erosion is the not-really-quite-as-popular succesor to MC, and most likely what the Unnamed board would have been called. Due to the destruction of MC however, he had to make a new board, without time for even Step 1.
After CE was established as the new MC succesor board, he went about finding all the information to make the Unnamed board.
Having everything, he hit a snag on step 3. Damn.
The Unnamed board has many purposes. It is supposed to have a lot of advanced features, so that the forumites have something to actually do besides hitting F5 and waiting for a new post to appear. Also, because it was not created in the wake of MC's destruction, the people who went to MC but CE will hopefully show up.
Schide also investigated the matter, hoping to put the Superdickery Forums upon a similar course. Unfortunately, a new board wouldn't have all of the posts from the old board, and would also need its own server. Although has its own server, Schide and Virgil did not want to put that extra strain on Mike's bank account.
For right now, the Unnamed board is in limbo. Virgil is open to people suggesting names, and it doesn't have to stick to the established theme. Pez thought something more upbeat might be nice.