Superdickery water
From Superdickery
Revision as of 12:05, 20 April 2007
As they say about the forums, "there's something in the water."
Whether it is the effect of a gathering of nerds, the rather lax standards of morality and appropriateness on the forums or simply the erotic effect of silver age comic covers, there is something in the "water" of the Superdickery forums which breeds romance and lust.
It started with the pairing known as "The Virgi" - the coupling of Virgil and his supposed sockpuppet Virgie. There was an aww factor, until it was revealed that the separate deviancy and general disgusting-ness of these two was not lessened by their relationship, but bolstered.
The second relationship began between forum mainstay Ykari and relative newcomer Bizarre, after he was enamoured of Ykari's sense of humour and knowledge of the Final Fanstasy series. Bizarre maintains that his pursuit of Ykari's affection was "subtle like the ninja," despite being constantly reminded of the thread he created entitled "Ykari rocks! I think I'm in e-wuv..." The relationship was first known as Bennifer, but this was abandoned due to silliness. Officially, they are now "The 'Ens."
The third Superdickery couple was forum mod-cum-admin Schide and resident staunch conservative Josie. In all honesty, there isn't much you can say about the history of this couple, as their annoucement came completely out of left field. Nostradamus didn't see these two coming. Virgil did though, as he was the one who hooked them up.
The fourth and latest couple is the forum's Godfather of Batch and general arsehole DarkGob and resident Simpsons fanatic and representative of Terra Australis Louise. The catalyst for their pairing was Bizarre, the now self-styled forum e-Cupid. Many have commented on the change that has occurred in the two, with Louise more readily displaying her "shady" side, and Gob losing his characteristic contempt for existence in general. The concept of DarkGob having a girlfriend has been stated as proof, at various times, that:
a) Mike is God.
b) There is no God.
c) Satan is now buying winter clothes and booking skiing lessons.
Now that the power of Superdickery Water has revealed itself, it seems that Bizarre is intent on exploiting it for everything he can, with several projects in the works. This is believed to be part of a sinister plot to eventually hook up everyone on the entire boards, and possibly the entire geek world.
As the boards are predominantly male, this plan will clearly involve yaoi at some point.
And as to WHAT is in the water, Ykari continues to maintain that somebody drowned Poison Ivy in the water. Oh those darn pheremones.