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The Forge-Factory of Wills

The raw material of Muladhara, combined with the passionate waters of Swadhisthana, are drawn together through to network to here: Manipura, the great factory, the forge of jewels, home of will, energy, and fire. It is a naturally hazardous realm, and one of the first Kingdoms to be actively inimical to travel. One who strays from the catwalks and platforms risks the vats or the burning skies of the Kingdom: none can survive the fury of concentrated will, emotion given flesh and turned to flame.


Manipura is a realm without foundations. It is theorized that someone might be able to 'dive' into Swadhisthana or Muladhara if one can bypass the heat and flame that surround the Kingdom. Various pipes and channels conceal most of the Network from plain sight, making navigation an issue even for the Wand Peasant's Art. No one is certain what holds up the platforms and catwalks of various precious metals, but they seem immune to even the worst of the flames.

The fires of Manipura themselves do not behave as normal fires do. Some arc and dance about like lightning. Others move in bouncing pillars like a shining light. Some fires flow like waterfalls, and others rise up like mist. The fires can range the full spectrum of colors, and reacts to the will and motivations of the observer. If the traveler simply wishes to be left alone, the fires will rarely be cooperative, but someone with a strong goal is rarely hindered. If someone has the time to worry about the fire, so to speak, the fire certainly has time to worry about that unfortunate person.

Gems are also a common fixture of the region, and the demons of Manipura have a complicated system of barter concerning these stones. If returned to the World, these jewels will show as perfect specimens of their type, but will only survive leaving the owner's possession if a dot of Willpower is sacrificed to give the gem life. Otherwise, it will shatter like cheap glass upon outside inspection.


Manipura is on fire. To most beings, this presents a rather serious concern. Many Summoners can mitigate the danger through their Arts, and some Alter Selves offer a degree of protection, but straying from the catwalks remains a serious threat. The fire reacts to the will of observers, however, so the flames can be managed by the lucky or the foolhardy.

To manipulate the flames, the observer must make a contested roll of Resolve + Composure, against the flame's Size, with the flame gaining bonus dice. If the traveler is successful, they gain a degree of control over the flames. They can move the flames a number of yards equal to their total Willpower dots, clearing a path or shaping it into a particular area. They can also enhance or dull the intensity of the flames, raising or dropping the rating by one with an additional conteted roll. In fact, the flames can be made cool enough to have no intensity at all, turning the flames into a (mostly) harmless, semi-solid substance. This is a particularly dangerous method of creating bridges, however, since anyone can try to cow the flames into changing its shape.

The valuable gems of will that line the surroundings have their own dangers as well. A rare few gems possess the wills of those who have died or been deeply changed by Manipura - and not all of those are mortals or demons. These 'discarded wills' can attempt to possess the bodies of those who gaze too deeply into the reflection of the flames in these games. The traveler makes an extended and contested roll of his own Resolve + Composure versus that of the gem's 'soul', each side aiming to override the total Willpower of the other. The winner gets the body, and the loser, unfortunately, becomes just another pretty stone until another happens to find her.


Optional Rule: Manipura and the Created

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