The Art of Influence

From Summoner

Revision as of 17:51, 13 January 2008 by Admin (Talk | contribs)


Within My Domain (O)

This basic Art attunes a Summoner's Ego to the themes and concepts his Alter Self evokes. This Art is considered active at all times, and grants the Summoner a Specialty in circumstances that align with their primary Alter Self's influence. This can be an arcanum, representing actions that align with those ideals, i.e. a Chariot user taking charge and being assertive or competitive. Other Influences are valid as well, and the circumstances are largely left up to the players and Storyteller to arbitrate what is appropriate. Cost: None
Dice Pool: None
Action: Reflexive

OO - The Draw Upright

Enhance someone's ability to perform actions within the purview of your Influence.

OOO - The Draw Reversed

Curse a being's abilities within that purview, penalizing their rolls.

OOOO - Behind the Throne

Spend Id to enhance an Alter Self's power over their Influence.

OOOOO - Swords Knows Maker

Gain immunity to negative effects under your Influence.

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