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From Stripespedia

Revision as of 02:06, 28 August 2006 by Shaun the Ripper (Talk | contribs)

Welcome to the Stripespedia , the White Stripes fan wiki that anyone can edit.

We're currently working on 235 articles

  • We are NOT The White Stripes - we are just some Candy Cane Children trying desperately to create a wiki for them.
  • We're trying to get the Stripes and/or their fans to come here and add more information to this obviously incomplete wiki.

Current Articles

Recent articles — the most recent articles created about our fantastic Detroit duo.

Recent Project Pages — some of the project pages that have been created lately.

Stripes Blog/News

Stripespedia logo

Stripespedia is having a little contest. I want all of you artists out there to create a logo for Stripespedia. Wikipedia has a logo. Uncyclopedia has a logo. Wikinews has a logo. WE NEED A LOGO!! So if you have a logo that you think would work for Stripespedia, then send your logo to me at Thanks!!!!

Simpsons Appearance

Yes, it's true. The White Stripes are becoming The Yellow Stripes. Jack and Meg will be making an appearance on this long-running animated comedy on FOX. If you want to tune in to see the episode, which is called "Jazzy And The Pussycats", this episode should air on September 17, 2006 in the US.


Hello, and welcome to the new White Stripes wiki, which I call Stripespedia. I'm Shaun Glover, and I'm keeping a blog/news board so I can keep you updated with Stripes news. I need some Wiki help, as there's a lot of things I don't know how to do. If anyone can tell me how to make people administrators, please tell me. Thanks, and enjoy Stripespedia!

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