The Eerie
From Straticswiki
The Eerie Guild was formed by Lady Kestrel during year one of FSO2, during the first Reign of Winvirus. Unarguabley the second best guild in the fso2 universe. Mads was the first true recruit and brought Eerie to a level more respected by others. Carisa and jet came next, both proving to be amazing additions. Jet became a Lord of the Eerie quickly, and has shined for years. Carisa became a lord in June year one of FSOS.
Current Members: Lords: Phoenix Jet Melkor Mads Carisa Ariella Ansalon
Generals: Cass Delfax GryphonMD
Colonels MArczO Irellia Ruk
Majors: Sancho Switcher duden12345 Prophecy Juanfabbalo DarkAngel
Others: MadamLisa MisterCabe Chastity
AS the ever competitor versus Kindred they have travelled far. More to follow
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