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Golden Dawn

From Stormravengaming

The Golden Dawn is a merchant sailing ship plying the seas of Aervi. The ship is owned by the son of its late captain and former owner, Captain Treven, and recently passed to him when Treven died during a voyage.

The Golden Dawn is a two-masted ship, 80 feet long and with the capacity for at least 120 tons of cargo. It usually runs with a light crew of only sixteen men, which increases the workload but also leaves more wealth to spread around. Under typical conditions, the Dawn can cover two nautical miles per hour.

In Battle at the Galenvale Dells

Half-elf sailor Aralos worked aboard the Golden Dawn until the death of Captain Treven. Carlin, a bully and second in command, took over as acting captain until Treven's son could assume the role.

See Category:Characters in Galenvale Dells from the Golden Dawn for past and current crewmembers.

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