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From Stormravengaming

Deylen is a fisherman in the small village of Wavetop, east of Kingsport. He operates a small fishing boat even though his age is advancing and his eyesight fading. He's almost unable to see well enough to do his work, but he refuses to quit. Friends and neighbors help him out and see that he doesn't get into any real trouble.

Deylen is married to Lesciande, a wood elf from Falhaven. Together they have one son, Aralos. Lesciande was called home on family business two years ago (and hasn't been heard from since), and Aralos has been seeking his own fortune in the world (mostly on the high seas) since before then, leaving Deylen alone with his boat and the sea for company.

A hardy soul, Deylen perseveres through any storm, refuses to let calamity claim his spirit, and often winds up on top because of it.

Role: Family.

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