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From Stormravengaming

Carlin is a sailor aboard the Golden Dawn, recently promoted to the temporary rank of captain following the death of Captain Treven. He will hold the rank only until Treven's son is released from his contract with the Grumand Shipping Company, at which point Treven's son will take over his father's post and Carlin's fate will be determined.

Carlin is a bully who surrounds himself with thugs. He openly dislikes and looks down upon half-breed humans (such as Aralos, a half-elf crewman on the Golden Dawn). He has such a reputation for malice and violence that in the wake of Captain Treven's death, more than a few members of the crew suspected Carlin of having hastened his captain's departure from this world. There was no evidence to support an accusation, though.

Role: Antagonist.

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