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When a gory weapon (also called a splatterific weapon) does damage to its target, it evokes a fountain of blood from the wound. This does no extra damage but has several other, related effects:
- The wielder is liberally splattered with blood. He receives a +2 circumstance bonus to Intimidate checks for the next hour or until he washes. If he strikes a critical hit, this bonus increases to +5.
- All creatures within 5 feet of the wielder when he damages a foe are splattered with blood as a splash effect. Living creatures with at least 3 Intelligence that are blood-splattered, including the wielder, must attempt a DC 13 Will saving throw or be sickened for the rest of the encounter.
- If the wielder confirms a critical hit on a creature that is subject to critical hits, it elicits a great fountain of blood and gore. All creatures within 30 feet, excluding the wielder, are affected as though by a scare spell (DC 15).
A gory weapon makes no distinction between friend and foe. Any creature within the area effects described above suffers the effects.
The wielder of a gory weapon gains a +2 circumstance bonus to saving throws against Fear effects after possessing the weapon for 24 hours.
Moderate necromancy; CL 6th; Craft Magic Arms and Armor, scare; Market Price +1 bonus; Cost to Create –; – lb.