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Template:DnD magic item
From Stormravengaming
Revision as of 00:29, 18 June 2008 by Stormraven (Talk | contribs)
{{{Aura}}}; CL {{{CL}}}; {{{Prereq}}}; Market Price {{{Market}}}; Cost to Create {{{Create}}}; {{{Weight}}} lb.
Aura | Strength of aura and school(s) detected |
CL | Minimum caster level to create this magic item |
Prereq | Caster prerequisites to create this magic item |
Market | Standard price to purchase this item at market value |
Create | Cost to create this item, in coin and XP |
Weight | Weight in pounds |
For your convenience, you can copy and paste the following text into your article and then fill in the values:
{{DnD magic item|Aura=|CL=|Prereq=|Market=|Create=|Weight=}}