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Tara Brightgem
From Stormravengaming
Revision as of 18:38, 24 May 2007 by Stormraven (Talk | contribs)
Tara Brightgem is a half-elf disciple of the Shining Phoenix Monastery. She studied alongside "Shining Talon" Mandus and became his closest friend. Tara is 24 years old.
Tara met Mandus after he got in trouble for running through the monastery and knocking down Master Cho-Lun. He had to fast as punishment, and Tara felt bad for him and tried to sneak him some bread from dinner. She was caught, and she ended up sharing in his punishment. They distracted themselves from their hunger by telling each other stories.
Tara has not seen Mandus since he left the monastery.