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Pathway of Myrlem (campaign)

From Stormravengaming

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The Pathway of Myrlem
Dungeonmaster Stormraven
Status Terminated

Starting Level 1st
Current Level 5th

The Pathway of Myrlem was a short-lived Dungeons & Dragons 3rd Edition game run by Stormraven, set in an as-yet-unnamed game world created by him. The player-characters started the campaign at 1st level, and Stormraven used published adventure modules, adapting them to the game world. As the characters were developed, Stormraven began writing a script for a lengthy campaign that centered upon them. However, the game came to a close before the script could be developed, as the DM did not have the time, energy and passion to create entire scenarios in time for his gaming group to play them.




The campaign was set in a game world created by Stormraven. The world incorporates all of the elements of the core Dungeons & Dragons rulebooks, including such world-defining features as the deities presented therein.

The player-characters were based in and around the metropolis of Kingsport, a major port and the capital city of the Kingdom. Their adventures took the party abroad, however, and precluded much interaction in Kingsport.

Ground Rules

Character creation

Characters start at 1st level. Characters that join the campaign in progress will start at a level comparable to the average level of the rest of the party.

Ability scores are generated using the best 3 of 4d6.



Non-player Characters


The Sunless Citadel

In the town of Oakhurst, home of Taran's grandfather Tamlin, goblins from a nearby lair staged a brazen nighttime raid. They carried away food, livestock, basic supplies, and such booty as they could find. Among the loot was an heirloom box that Tamlin prized. He was injured in the attack and could do nothing to recover the item, so Taran and his friends went to the goblins' lair to retrieve the box and see to it that the goblins made no further trouble.

This scenario used the published adventure module, The Sunless Citadel, with the addition of Tamlin and his treasure to draw the characters into the scenario.

Following the adventure and the successful recovery of the box, Tamlin passed to Taran a special family treasure and weighty obligation. See Tamlin Passes the Lady.

The Stone Tooth

Back in Kingsport, Barok discovered a friend from the wild mourning his family. (See Vel's Grief.) A bit of information he had discovered led the adventurers to Blasingdell in search of the Stone Tooth, hoping to discover the cause of the increasing goblin raids that had plagued the northeast wilds of the kingdom, up into the Karokus Mountains, and which were probably tied to the deaths of Barok's parents. They found the Stone Tooth, an old dwarven smithy carved into the mountain, to be held by orcs. Sadly, in the battle against the orcs' ogre chieftain, Barok was slain.

The rest of the party brought Barok's remains outside the complex to be cremated. Shortly thereafter, as they were preparing to return to the smithy and complete Barok's quest, they encountered Valakiir Duskember, searching for Barok to tell him that his brother, Darok, lived. Unable to complete her quest, she joined with the group to help them with theirs.

Deep in the underground complex, the party discovered a mysterious, black-cloaked figure. He fought them without hesitation, and after he had died, the party found important clues among his belongings. See the Night's Whisper letters.

This scenario followed the published adventure module, The Forge of Fury, with the addition of the black-cloaked figure to tie into the greater campaign plot.

Following the successful conclusion of the adventure, the party relaxed in Blasingdell, toasted by their host, Baron Althon (who had a mind to marrying his daughter to the party's only nobleman, Saladin de Leon). While there, a herald from Kingsport rode into town and announced that the King had called for a muster of troops to cleanse the mountains of the raiding goblins. The party left the next day to answer the call.

The Wild Hunt

On the road away from the Stone Tooth to join the King's muster, the party spotted a white hart entering the forest. Such a hart's antlers were required to repair the Lady, so Taran persuaded the others to pursue it. Within the forest they discovered a band of wild elves trying to raise the Wild Hunt to hunt down and destroy the goblin warbands that have been ravaging the woods. They also befriended Fianna Twinklebright, a female pixie bard, who told them of the plot and warned of disaster, in that the Wild Hunt could never be controlled – such was its nature – and if summoned, it would lay waste to the entire forest and possibly more.

This scenario was an original creation by Stormraven. It was never completed, and the campaign ended in the middle of it.

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