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National Security Agency

From Stormravengaming

Revision as of 16:08, 7 January 2007 by Stormraven (Talk | contribs)

The National Security Agency/Central Security Service (NSA/CSS) is the United States government's cryptologic organization. Officially established on November 4, 1952, it is believed to be the world's largest intelligence-gathering agency. Responsible for the collection and analysis of foreign communications, it coordinates, directs, and performs highly specialized activities to produce foreign signals intelligence information, which involves a significant amount of cryptanalysis. It is also responsible for protecting U.S. government communications from similar agencies elsewhere, which involves a significant amount of cryptography.

A component of the Department of Defense, the NSA has always been directed by a three-star flag or general officer. NSA is a key component of the United States Intelligence Community headed by the Director of National Intelligence.

For a full description of the real-world agency, see the article at Wikipedia.

In TV Superheroes

The NSA has a much more active role in the world of international intrigue, with its own field agents and projects to rival those of the CIA. It also has divisions devoted to paranormal investigations and applications, such as the Department of Special Research.

See National Security Agency (TV Superheroes) for full details.

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