From Stormravengaming
This System Portal is the primary place to access all Hero System information on this wiki.
Category:Hero and its subcategories collect Hero System content for easy top-down navigation.
...using the Hero System 5th Edition, Revised, rules, whether currently active, on hiatus, or now concluded. Campaign articles may include foundational information (current gamemaster, incorporated house rules, character creation guidelines, etc), compositional information (characters, equipment, settings, etc), historical information (major events, timelines, etc), and so on.
| Category:Hero Campaigns
Locations and Maps
Package Deals
Power Constructions
House Rules
Useful Links
Using This Portal
All Hero System articles should be accessible either directly from this page or from another Hero page accessible from here. Articles accessible only through the category structure are acceptable, but additional links from here or from other Hero articles will make content easier to reach.
Articles that contain Hero System content should be categorized into Category:Hero or its subcategories for easy collection and navigation. If a category appropriate to your article doesn't exist yet, you can create it, but make sure to follow the guidelines at Category:Hero.
Guidelines for Submission
Please conform to the following guidelines:
- Content submitted to this wiki should be up to date with Hero System 5th Edition, Revised. This does not mean that every article needs a complete 5th-Edition-compatible write-up, but those that incorporate game mechanics should use the 5th Edition rules.
- All submissions to this wiki must be original material, have the author's permission, or be in the public domain. Do not copy anyone else's copyrighted material and post it here. You can base your article on copyrighted material, you can refer to it, you can link to it, you can even excerpt it under Fair Use, but you can't duplicate it.
- Submissions to this wiki can be viewed by anyone and are subject to editing by all of the other registered members. If you're not comfortable with anyone else seeing and editing your work, then this is not the place to post it.