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Shin was a monk from Tajhalim, a monastery in the woodlands east of the Whitefang Mountains. He was a practitioner of Striking Tajhal, a fast and aggressive martials arts form. Usually quiet and reserved, Shin enjoyed seeking out physical challenges to test himself against. It was the search for such challenges that led him to join the dwarven wagonwright Hilgard's quest for Galenvale, and which eventually led to his demise.

Shin was slain in battle by Azar Khadam, then unwittingly fighting alongside a troop of evil dwarves. When he realized that he had been duped, Azar regretted Shin's death at his hands, but he concluded that there had been nothing more he could have done to divine the truth at the time. Azar was soon persuaded to carry on Shin's quest, and during that quest, Shin's friend Aralos was eventually able to forgive Azar and become friends with him.

Role: Ally.

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