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New York City (TV Superheroes)

From Stormravengaming

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(Add Brian Davis)
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* [[Nathan Petrelli]]
* [[Nathan Petrelli]]
* [[Peter Petrelli]]
* [[Peter Petrelli]]
* "Claude Rains"
* [[Claude]]
* [[Mohinder Suresh]]
* [[Mohinder Suresh]]
===Former Residents===
===Former Residents===
* [[Brian Davis]] (deceased)
* [[Charles Deveaux]] (deceased)
* [[Charles Deveaux]] (deceased)
* [[Eden McCain]] (deceased)
* [[Eden McCain]] (deceased)

Revision as of 16:59, 22 February 2007

New York City is the largest metropolis in the United States, so it features prominently in TV shows from a wide spectrum of genres. Superheroes and supervillains alike are drawn to the City that Never Sleeps, and more than a few have arisen there and never left.

Several people (Hiro Nakamura, Isaac Mendez, Peter Petrelli) have been forewarned of a nuclear explosion predicted to occur in New York City on November 8, 2006. The event probably has something to do with Theodore Sprague, who can project heat and radiation from his body, but Peter Petrelli believes his is at the heart of the explosion.


Current Residents

Former Residents

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