Ivan Selmhiack

From Storing Don



[edit] Vital Statistics

Nation: Kaeldar

Rank: Bedak [Officer]

Age: 25

Height: 6'2"

Weight: 145 lbs

[edit] Personality

Ivan was a lot happier when he was younger. Now he is a bit more secluded. He still like to meet other people, but keeps a little bit away. not getting close to others. In battle he is a fierce fighting machine, Sometimes he fights just for a laugh, others his fighting is powered by rage.

[edit] Appearance

Bright teal hair, Tanned skin. Clothing is a tattered old uniform from an old organization. On the back of his left hand is a tattoo of 3 triangles forming one large one. Around it are tribal tattoos surrounding it. His eyes are sky blue. He has a fragments of a bone mask on a necklace around his neck. On his Right arm, he has an archers bracer with a strange symbols on it. He wears an eye patch with the same odd symbols

[edit] Biography

He was born in the vast south jungles. He was born with the name of: Istar Selmhiack At a young age he always wanted to travel the world, And find its treasures. But that dream never came to be for him, he never traveled outside the village. Once he was 10, he ran away from the village and took residence in the city. Being alone is something he hated. He dropped his name for a simpler Ivan. His uniform was found in a garbage bin. A bit tattered and smelly, yet he wore it anyway.At age 12, In a bazaar he found an old harp. The man was just give the old thing away. Ivan took the harp and practiced for many years. At the age of 13, he was taken under the wing of a traveling swordsman. From age 14 to age 17 he trained day in and day out. At 17 he received a brilliant looking sword with a faux gold hilt with a handcrafted wolf on the end of the hilt. The day after, the swordsman was gone as mysteriously as he came. At age 20 he became an officer in the Kaeldar army. And to this day he remains

[edit] Combat Statistics

Dervish 3

Weapon Levels: Music B, Swords C

[edit] Weapons

Short Steel Sword

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