Titus Galernius Canus
From Storing Don
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Vital Statistics
- Nation: Endal
- Rank: Milite
- Age: 32
- Gender: Male
- Height: 5'10"
- Weight: 178 lbs.
- Played By: Great Knight
Appearance & Personality
Titus has the typical appearance of a soldier. You might think him nothing more than that. He has olive skin, and dark brown hair, cut short. His eyes are grayish-green. He has a large, hooked nose. He is not ugly, but he's not an Adonis, either. He wears the standard, Empire-issued armour. His armour is metallic, and bronze. His helmet matches it. He carries a purple, rectangular, semi-cylindrical shield. He carries two lances, one a lance and the other a spear, a short sword, and a dagger, all issued by the Empire. Over his shoulders is draped a cape. His is quite muscular.
Titus is a dedicated warrior. He has utmost faith in the Empire, and, in combat, he fights with great dedication. He is friends with the men he fights with, and that's essential, because legionaries are trained to fight and work together. He is a very sociable and kind individual when not in battle. He also has a good sense of humour, and he is a good sport. He's very active, and does his best to keep himself in shape. He is very disciplined. He does what is asked of him. When he fights, he thinks of his wife and children. He fights for them and for Endal.
Born in Pax Endalia when it was (fill this in, TEH), a Legionary training camp, Titus was the son of a soldier and his wife. He had two brothers, Amicus and Galantis. They were older than him, and they were hoping to be soldiers like their father. Titus’ father hoped that he would be a soldier like his brothers were aspiring to be. He was a proud soldier, proud of his nation and proud of his sons. He cared for them, and wanted them to proud of their nation too. He grew them up hoping he would rear them to be dedicated and good soldiers of Endal. And he did, too. They were good boys, and they would play in the backyard, and Titus would play as he got older. They would have pretend fights, something they all enjoyed. He knew they were destined to become dedicated Endalian soldiers as they got older.
Bad news arrived to Titus and his family. His father had died, fighting a rebellion. His father had just been promoted to Centurion, as well, before his death. Titus was incredibly sad, but he didn’t let it get in the way of his duties. In fact, he pushed himself harder and harder, hoping to become the soldier his father had wanted him to be. He only wished his father had been there to see him. He trained with his quarterstaff, though he was only eight. Such a young boy with a spear…Titus was determined to make a difference in his departed father’s eyes. Construction was beginning on the grand fort, Pax Endalia.
Titus’ two brothers went off to attend the academy once they came of age, and Titus was left alone at the house. Then, finally, he came of age and went off to the academy himself. He underwent rigorous training. They taught him how to fight with his shield and quarterstaff. They taught him drill. They forced upon him and the group he trained with marches with tight loads and in tight formation. They were constantly testing the soldiers-to-be’s will and endurance. The group Titus was with was very good. They were very dedicated and wanted to be soldiers of Endal, and wanted to achieve glory. Of course, there was the odd egg here and there…and he ended up getting caught and was badly punished by the centurion for his misconduct. Titus was only scolded for not doing well, despite his trying the best. That was like what every soldier had to go through. Despite that, he remained true to his country, and forced himself to be strong no matter how much he was thrashed.
It helped him become more disciplined. He graduated ready to face the world. He became a legionary of Endal, and his career had begun. He was stationed at Pax Endalia. It was a well-defended place, and it was now his home. He was eighteen at the time, and yet, he was a fine lance-fighter. Not above average, but quite good with what he did. He was, of course, still training to become a legionary. He served with pride, and he soon joined with a cohort that entered Avenno and conquered it. It had been holding out for quite a while, which was impressive, but now, with Pax Endalia built, Endal was able to conquer it easily. Palatenno had just been conquered at the time.
He returned to Pax Endalia, and trained more during his time there, and patrolled, and started training with a sword, knowing that would be what he’s going to use as a legionary. And then there was a rebellion in Suini. Nogera, trying to show their place in the world, they attacked the peaceful nation of Suini, and Endal rushed to its aid. This was where he met Amacia, because she, and several others, were added to the cohort. They fought side-by-side in formation, and Titus was stunned by her skill. He was also awed by her beauty, and her spirit. They faced rough times together, because many of their fellow countrymen died to the Nogerans, and it was traumatic, but Titus was tough, and, what he admired in her, Amacia was tough too. A miraculous thing happened at this time. In the middle of the battle, Titus realized a new power in him, and he picked up an item from a fallen enemy, and he felt a connection with it, then he glowed, and afterwards, there was a legionary standing there ratther than a soldier. They returned to Pax Endalia after Nogera had been defeated and Suini submitted to the Empire. He confessed his love to her, and they spent time together, then married.
Battle Statistics
- Class: Legionary
- Level: 20.1
- Weapon Levels: Lances {B}, Swords {C}
- Heavy Pilum [B] – Heavy Steel Armourslayer Horseslayer Thin-Tipped Spear (6)
This lance is standard issue. It is about two meters long overall, consisting of an iron shank, and with pyramidal head. It is heavier than its counterpart.
- Light Pilum [B] – Steel Amourslayer Thin-Tipped Spear (6)
This lance is standard issue. It is about two meters long overall, consisting of an iron shank, and with pyramidal head. It is lighter than its counterpart.
- Gladius [C] – Keen Steel Perfect Balance Double Fuller Hand Sword (4)
This is Titus' sword, used combat, standard issue. It has grooves in the hilt for better grip, and its edge is keen.
- Pugio [C] – Steel Fatal Curve Dagger (4)
A leaf-shaped dagger used as an auxiliary weapon.