Maddox Reinbecht

From Storing Don



Vital Statistics

Nation: Ainor

Rank: General; Prince of Saxe-Coburg

Age: 25

Height: 6'10"

Weight: 295 pounds


Loyal to a fault, he values the holy empire and the religion of Elimine extremely high. Trained personally by the Holy Captain from a young age, he quickly gained favor from both the King Meinhard as well as the knights. He is very diplomatic and tactical, but is the first person willing to get his hands dirty if the need arises. Believes the best way to set an example, is by actions more than words. Thus his popularity is high within the Ainori Army, for his willingness to do anything he would ask his men to do for him.


A young man of huge stature, Maddox wears Ainor's red and gold armor proudly. He is normally seen in battle with is giant of a sword, the Kobalt Zerard. He has emerald green eyes, that match his blueish black hair. Underneath his red armor, is his forest green shirt and pants. He keeps his armor extremely well taken care of an polished. Most times, he is seen wearing a matching golden cape, flowing so magnificently in the breeze as he rides his trusted warhorse, Zelgius.


Born is Saxe-Coburg, in the northern side of Ainor. The young Maddox learned to explore around the area well. Growing up bigger than the normal child, he had a lot of fun searching what was remained of the Sundering ruins. Never unsupervised though, as he was normally accompanied by his older brother, Maxan. Maxan was striving to be a Grail Knight, and like his brother was large in stature. Learning to fight with a sword from an early age, his brute strength served him well in little adventures with his brother or father.

About the time Maddox was 7, there was a skirmish that broke out, requiring his father to leave the farm to check the matter. Some local farmers had been plagued by ravaging beasts, and tried to make a stand. They drove the beasts away but at the cost of a few farmers lives. Upon hearing the news, Maxan, being 10 years older than his brother, joined the military post haste. Maddox was left to tend the farm alone for years, all the while training in secret until his 15th birthday.

When he turned 15, he elected to join the church, as an apprentice knight. Hoping someday to be able to use his skills to later join the Ainor military. He learned the ways of the Thanedoms, and upheld his moral and religious value extremely high. Perhaps only second to his love for battle and combat. Having such a fearsome size and presence, he quickly started to gain reputation as he joined the Ainor ranks. This helped boost him into a high standing in the military, as he strove not only for excellence but to find out about his family.

By the time he turned 20, he began his trial to become a Grail Knight. Maddox knew that soon, he would be allowed to contribute to Ainor's well being, as for the whole of the world. Just a little bit past his 21st birthday, the giant from Saxe-Coburg was made a Grail Knight, and part of his dream was completed. He was assigned a new post and was given a rank worthy of a Grail Knight, even one just starting out. Upon news of his achievement, he was greeted warmly by his master, the Holy Captain, as well as the King himself.

Maddox met the prince when he was a young Colonel for the Ainori army. With request from King Meinhard, Maddox began to train a young Ulrich in the art of combat and warfare. It was about the same time, that Meinhard gave permission for Maddox to court his younger daughter, Verena. With his hidden talent among Ainor as an upcoming strategist, the Grail Knight trained and honed his skill as much possible. Keeping in as much contact and communication with the prince Ulrich, and his family friend King Meinhard. Meinhard having known the Reinbecht family since his youth, and both families having relationships past, made him someone he knew and trusted well. He promoted the young Maddox at the age of 22, to General.

The relationship between Maddox and Verena was also growing, building with it talks of what might be a likely choice for marriage. With the von Reichter family deferring there crowns, such as Anastasia and later Ulrich. Maddox continued to strive himself further in skills, getting stronger the more time passed. Continually, he fights for the King's vision of a Holy Empire, and the desire to unite a family that has been torn.

Combat Statistics

Grail Knight (#5)

Weapon Levels: Sword - B; Lance - C; Light Magic - D


Kobalt Zerard (A-8) Greatsword + Adamantine (3) + Extremely Heavy (-2) + Broadsword (1) + Double Fuller (1) + Perfect Balance (1) + Fatal Curve (3) + Ricasso (1) = 8

The massive adamantine sword, standing 6 feet tall and weighing a good 100 pounds. Known for its shear size and power, it is the strongest greatest in the world, with Durandal not being found yet. Known to have only one true master, in Maddox, the Kobalt Zerard is an almost impossible weapon to wield, even the best sword masters in the world would need practice to master it.

Foertig Rakk (B-6) Melee Lance + Heavy (-1) + Mithril (2) + Brave (4) + Serrated Edge (1) = 6

Normally on Zelgius's side, the Foertig Rakk is like the KZ in terms of power. Maddox often has been known to let Ulrich wield this in tight situations, as well as other people he trusts. Though he least used weapon, he still holds this weapon important in ever the need arose. Normally his choice of weapon in times of cavalry charges.

Emnity Curse (C-5) Judgement type tome + Holy (3) + Area of Effect (2) = 5

Maddox's personal tome he keeps within his saddle on Zelgius. Known for being a holy man, he wields a Judgement tome, striking down anyone who is deemed unholy. Other than his Pulse Shocker, this is his other long range weapon, and preferance against mages and morphs.

Pulse Shocker (A-7) Handsword + Enchanted (Anima: Earth type + Area of Effect [2] + High Power [2] + Impact [3]) = 7

Maddox carries this weapon on his hilt. Secured to his knights sheat, along the left side of his body. When in battle, he will draw this sword, while still using KZ sometimes, and deliver an earthquake type of attack from the magical spell it releases.

Warhorse: Zelgius

Not your normal sized horse, Zelgius is sometimes called the cursed hell horse. Zelgius is a massive horse, but understandable so considering its rider. Known for being quite a ferocious and rather mean spirited, but making a good match for Maddox.

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