Lysias Caethras
From Storing Don
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Vital Statistics
Alias: Ice's Steel
Nation: Lequall
Rank: Marshal Caethras
Age: 29
Height: 5' 10"
Weight: 139 lbs.
2V4Mvi Scribbler, give me a student's record-book!)))
Her hair is the darkest color that hair can be, and her skin is light brown because of the Sun's radiance. Her eyes, though, contrast, as does her clothing. Her eyes seemingly glow, near torchlight, a lightly colored green shade, that can be piercing when needed. Lysias has a slightly pointed chin as well as a pointed nose. Her black hair goes down to her mid-back, stopping at about where one of her sword's sheaths are.
Lysias wears a muck green colored tunic over a strip of cloth that covers her chest. Marshal Caethras also wears a pair of mud brown pants that from the knee down is covered by black boots. Over all this is her nightshade trenchcoat, on which are her father's swords, Revenge and Pain. Revenge is slung over her back with the hilt coming over her left shoulder. Pain is stuck in her trenchcoat's waistbelt on the left side. Revenge is the longer and Pain is the shorter. The trenchcoat is black enough to make her fairly invisible at night.
Her body is thin, though not nearly as thin as some. Lysias is a swordswoman of the light and fast style, though lacking power. She is pleasing to the eyes.
She was born and raised in the Marshal House Caethras, in the loving care of her mother, a mage from the House of Naraskedal. She was Salevran's second-oldest sister. Her father was from the Marshal House Caethras. Her father's brother was the Grand Marshal of Lequall at the time of her birth. When Lysias turned five years old, her uncle, the battle hardened Salevran Naraskedal, had just begun his twelve year reign as Grand Marshal, and her father was chosen to replace the late Grand Marshal Caethras.
Lysias was raised strictly from the time she was seven years old. She was taught how to fight hand-to-hand from then and has remembered it to this day.
Lysias gained a Sister when she was nine, though she was quite close to the 'little squirt' as her dad put it, and has been ever since. She loved, rather than battle, the healing arts and the staves of the priests, and could tame horses.
As she grew up, she learned from her father's trainer, a blade expert, the way of the Sword. Lysias was taught from an early age that she would be in life-threatening danger when she used her swords. She accepted this truth with ease. She also trained with her uncle, Salevran, when he wasn't patrolling the Battle Marshes, which wasn't all that often. Her sword style was both unlike and like her mentors' styles, though it lacked much of the strength that they used. She trained nonstop in the Agoge whenever she could. Death would not find her quickly, thought she.
Then, when Lysias was only 17, at the end of the new Grand Marshal's twelvth year, Salevran departed mysteriously from Lequall, telling only the houses of the Marshals. She felt somewhat lost without him, but continued her training, though not without some shed tears. She was soon allowed to train with older, notched Spathas, and at some point began using a Spatha and a Gladius fluently.
During her training she befriended the then Marshal Rinovindis, soon to become Grand Marshal, who gave her some verbal tips that helped her quite a bit during her next training sessions.
She has proven herself in battle for twelve years and ascended to the rank of Ephor in relatively short time since her ascension from the Agoge. However, as the eldest daughter of Caethras, she has recently been promoted to the rank of Marshal Caethras following the tragic battle during which her father died. She does remain sad over her father and is reminded of him every time she looks at his swords at her side. Lysias' sister is also sad, though she is comforted by an ephor she is seeing.
Combat Statistics
Swordmaster (#5)
Weapon Levels: Swords - B
Revenge - B
Hand Sword Fatal Curve: +3 Perfect balance: +1 Lequall Steel: +1
Pain - C
Shortsword Lequall steel: +1 Fatal Curve: +3