Kessala Venate

From Storing Don

eUsLaS I truly appreciate this blog post.



Kessala is a deliciously beautiful woman with long, shiny, purple hair. Her skin is pearl-white. Her lips are lined with purple lipstick. She wears a long, dark red open shirt that is clasped by golden tassels and to match, a long skirt that goes down to her thighs. Her boots are black and tied with string. When in Ainor, she conceals her dark tomes as anima, by switching the picture on the front. She wrote the tomes, so it doesn't matter. A staff hangs at her belt.

Kessala detests weakness and youth. Every time she sees Aryna, her lip curls. She feels an adult would be a better leader than pitiful child, but, not currently desiring to take out the Conclave, she uses it as her tool to gain power in other nations. She has easily mastered the art of lying, making it one of her tactics used in achieving her goals. Her fascination with the elder arts is as prominent as her love of dangerous items and antiquities, as well as new ways to create her morphs. She loves creating, shaping, mastering.


Kessala was born in Illyria, like many Dark magic users of her caliber. Her mother and father were both druids who personally tutored her, wanting to make her the most powerful shaman they could. She gained an appreciation for the elder arts at an early age, and studied intensively. She gained a great satisfaction in Dark magic and its uses.

Longing to become a Druid, she ventured to the capital and studied under a decent Druid. She couldn't afford a master, but this man gladly took her under his wing, and she had great potential. He referred her to his teacher, who took her under his wing, and trained her hard until he was satisfied. She continued to practice until finally, she was creating all sorts of illusions and spells she had never been able to even read before. And every time she used it, she got a feeling of power.

But the more she stayed in Illyria, the more boared she felt. She was in a country full of morphs. Other people's morphs, not hers. She couldn't have any worthwhile adventures here. She decided to leave. She had to find her way across the Ainori or Lequallian border, and neither country would accept an Illyrian. She was joined with a Wyvern Rider by the name of Yooseph. He had some sort of connection with her, though it wasn't sexual.

And so, they ventured into Ainor in disguise, but somehow, Kessala was figured out. But she charmed the Great Knight who guarded that sector, drawing him to her bed. She did not expect to sleep with him; she had poisoned his wine, which she had him drink in front of her, then he died, and she revived him as a morph and used him to do get her across the border, then crumbled him to dust. She valued her morphs, but they were her puppets. Her pawns.

She spent her time in Endal pretending to be a wandering cleric, and Yoosef was for a while a wyvern rider under Ignue Ferroque's command, and soon was a wyvern knight, with piercing abilities. They happened, one day, upon a man who spoke of a Conclave. Intrigued, Kessala headed to Cercium. She joined the Conclave, and became a Magi under the Ruby Mafaxiarch. She longed for the Mafaxiarch's position. She planned his demise early, intending to take him down with ease. And she did, but not by poisoning him. No, not this time. She drove him right into an enemy creature, which defeated and ate him, while Kessala took the item it was guarding and fled. He'd already placed great faith in her. She was promoted not long after. Now she is the Ruby Mafaxiarch, specialising in finding rare and powerful items. Items that she longs to use....

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