Ainori Army (DoN)

From Storing Don

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The defensive arm of the Ainori military, the Army is skilled and tenacious, and many an invader has found an early demise at the spears or blades of the Ainori Army.


[edit] Military Strength

  • 7,500 Knights
  • 2,500 Soldiers
  • 5,000 Generals
  • 20,000 Cavaliers
  • 5,000 Hussars
  • 3,000 Paladins
  • 8,000 Great Knights
  • 15,000 Mages
  • 15,000 Monks
  • 2,000 Mage Knights
  • 2,000 Valkyries
  • 85,000 total

[edit] Soldiers of the Ainori Army

[edit] Ranks within the Army

[edit] Army Armory

[edit] Melee Weapons

[edit] Spears

  • Javelin
    • D-Ranked Steel Guarded Javelin
    • A standard soldier's javelin, weak in melee, but light and capable of being thrown.
  • Soldier's Lance
    • D-Ranked Steel Langetted Lance
    • A standard soldier's lance, with langets that make the haft harder to destroy.
  • Knight's Spear
    • C-Ranked Steel Langetted Killer Spear
    • A langetted spear with a sharper tip, that is more likely to deal a fatal blow.
  • Knight's Lance
    • C-Ranked Steel Langetted Killer Lance
    • A langetted lance with a sharper tip, that is more likely to deal a fatal blow.
  • Knight Killer
    • B-Ranked Mithril Guarded Armourslaying Horseslaying Keen-Edged Lance
    • A long lance that can be used to pierce armour, and to pick knights from horses. It is made of Mithril, and also has a chance of dealing a fatal blow.
  • Knight Pinner
    • B-Ranked Mithril Serrated-Edged Armourslaying Killer Spear
    • A spear that has a tip strong enough to pierce heavy armour. It is made of Mithril, and also has a chance of dealing a fatal blow. It also has a serrated edge, and it's good for melee combat.

[edit] Swords

  • Slaying Edge
    • D-Ranked Steel Beastslayer Handsword
    • A steel sword used by Ainori to fend off monsters and morphs.
  • Great Edge
    • D-Ranked Steel Keen Great Sword
    • Wielded by generals, a great sword with a sharp edge that's capable of fatal blows.
  • Killing Edge
    • D-Ranked Steel Keen Hand Sword
    • A sword that can deal a fatal blow.
  • Lethal Edge
    • C-Ranked Steel Fatal Edged Keen Handsword
    • A steel sword with a better rate of a lethal blow than the Killing Edge.
  • Holy Edge
    • C-Ranked Steel Keen Beastslayer Handsword
    • A sword with a sharp edge that is particularly strong against beasts.
  • Horsereaver
    • B-Ranked Steel Fatal Curved Horseslaying Great Sword
    • A Great Sword used by generals against enemy cavalry, that is capable of dealing fatal blows.
  • Knight's Edge
    • B-Ranked Steel Double Fuller Perfect Balance Pommel Blade Keen Hand Sword
    • Favoured by paladins, a strong and accurate sword capable of lethal blows.

[edit] Axes

  • Mace
    • D-Ranked Steel Bearded Mace
    • A flanged mace, wielded by horsemen and foot soldiers alike.
  • Steel Axe
    • D-Ranked Steel Bearded Woodsman's Axe
    • A woodsman's axe with a beard, which can be thrown or used in melee combat.
  • Throw Axe
    • C-Ranked Steel Steel Hurlbat Throwing Axe
    • A throwing axe, with a blade and spike on all surfaces. It is only used to throw.
  • Knight's Axe
    • C-Ranked Steel Polearm Keen Woodsman's Axe
    • A long poleaxe that is used usually by horsemen. It has a keen edge, making lethal blows more common.
  • Killer Battle Axe
    • B-Ranked Mithril Back-Spiked Killer Battle Axe
    • A killer axe made of the dreaded mithril.
  • Death's Head
    • B-Ranked Mithril Bearded Keen Killer Woodsman's Axe
    • A woodsman's axe made of the dreaded mithril.

[edit] Bows

  • Recurve Bow
    • C-Ranked Steel Recurve Shortbow
    • Used by Hussars, this shortbow is still powerful despite its ease of use.
  • Slayer Bow
    • B-Ranked Steel Recurve Beastslayer Shortbow
    • Blessed by the bishops of Ainor, this recurve bow is capable of slaying monsters, morphs, wyverns, and other beasts.

[edit] Magic

[edit] Light

  • Flash
    • Light, Judgment (D/2): Solar +2, Blinding +1, Inaccurate -1
    • A burst of sunlight blinds and damages a foe.
  • Virivildt
    • Light, Judgment (D/2): Spread AoE +1, Armorslayer +1
    • Negates any protection heavy armor gives on a group of foes.
  • Yad Yamin
    • Light, Judgment (C/4): Purifying +1, Divine +2, Beastslayer +1, Heavy -1, Spread AoE +1
    • The Right Hand of Aodeyn. A blast of light magic damages foes. Strong against evil.
  • Yad S’mohl
    • Light, Benediction (C/4): Wide Spread AoE +2, Sanctuary +3, Heavy -1
    • The Left Hand of Aodeyn. A heavenly light protects several allies.
  • Aodeyn’s Sight
    • Light, Judgment (B/6): Aura +3, Holy +3
    • Causes a sphere of light to form around the caster, heavily damaging foes it contacts.
  • Aodeyn’s Fist
    • Light, Benediction (B/6): Artillery +3, Delayed +3, Extremely Heavy -2, Wide Burst AoE +2, Random -1, Unstable +1
    • A long-distance spell that causes a delayed great shockwave of light magic to burst among foes. Its power fluctuates constantly.

[edit] Anima

  • Rust
    • Anima, Earth (D/2): Armorslayer +1, Entangle +1
    • Rusts a foe’s armor, causing it to weaken and slows the opponent down.
  • Landmine
    • Anima, Earth (C/4): Impact +3, Amalgamation +1 (Fire)
    • Causes the earth under a foe’s feet to burst asunder with a spray of stone and fire.
  • Quake Sphere
    • Anima, Earth (B/6): Time Delayed +4, Strong +2, Heavy -1, Burst AoE +1
    • Causes a delayed quake in the ground to damage several foes. The caster determines when it hits.
  • Flashfire
    • Anima, Fire (D/2): Unstable +1, Amalgamation +1 (Wind)
    • A quick-draw spell that sends tongues of flame darting on the wind.
  • Brushfire
    • Anima, Fire (C/4): Wide Full AoE +4
    • Causes the terrain to spring up in flames.
  • Purgatory
    • Anima, Fire (B/6): Beastslayer +1, Aftereffect +2 (Ignite), High Power +4, Heavy -1
    • A burning cone of fire bursts from the heavens above a foe, encasing them in flames. Strong against beasts.
  • Cagemail
    • Anima, Thunder (D/2): Armorslayer +1, Entangle +1
    • Causes jolts of electricity to run through a foe’s armor, immobilizing him or her.
  • Flare Jolt
    • Anima, Thunder (C/4): Unstable +1, Chain AoE +2, Amalgamation +1 (Fire)
    • A flaming bolt of lightning streaks through several foes from the caster’s hand.
  • Thunderbolt
    • Anima, Thunder (B/6): Permanence +3, Conjuration +2, Short Ranged -1, Strong +2
    • Constructs a physical weapon for the mage to wield from pure thunder.
  • Geyser
    • Anima, Water (D/2): Unstable +1, Amalgamation +1 (Earth)
    • Causes a jet of steaming hot water to burst from the ground under a foe.
  • Glacier
    • Anima, Water (C/4): Close Ranged -2, Line AoE +3, Permanence +3
    • Causes a wall of ice to spring up around nearby allies.
  • Noah
    • Anima, Water (B/6): Wide Full AoE +4, Extremely Heavy -2, Artillery +3, Unstable +1
    • A long-range spell that engulfs an enemy army in a great flood.
  • Gale
    • Anima, Wind (D/2): Strong +2
    • Sharp winds batter a foe.
  • Squall
    • Anima, Wind (C/4): Artillery +3, Burst AoE +1, Amalgamation +1 (Water), Heavy -1
    • A long-range spell that causes an icy sea squall to spring up around several foes.
  • Breath of Aodeyn
    • Anima, Wind (B/6): High Power +4, Chain AoE +2
    • A powerful blast of wind hurtles and phases through several foes.

[edit] Staves

  • Rejuvenate
    • Staff, Support (C/4): Remedy +1, Full Heal +4, Heavy +1
    • Heals an ally completely, along with removing any status ailments.
  • Fairfield
    • Staff, Offensive (C/3): Beastslayer +1, Horseslayer +1, Armorslayer +1
    • Gives an ally increased damage against mounted or armored foes.
  • Demoralize
    • Staff, Offensive (C/4): Enhancing +3 (Strength), Detracting +2 (Strength), Inaccurate -1
    • Drains a foe’s physical strength and gives it to an ally.
  • Focus
    • Staff, Support (B/6): Enhance +6 (Strength, Defense)
    • Enhances an ally’s strength and defense.
  • Palisade
    • Staff, Support (B/6): Repair +3, Barrier +3
    • Fortifies any existing wall or defense, and further protects it magically. If none exists, constructs a powerful magic shield.
  • Drain
    • Staff, Offensive (B/6): Silence +2, Detracting +2 (Resistance), Dispel +2
    • The ultimate counter-spell. Counters a spell, along with utterly destroy’s a foe’s capacity to attack with magic, by silencing him and weakening his resistance.

[edit] Army Levels


  • 100% C in Lances - Knight's Lance, Knight's Spear


  • 100% C in Lances - Knight's Lance, Knight's Spear


  • 40% B in Lances, C in Axes, D in Swords - Knight Killer, Throw Axe, Slaying Edge
  • 30% B in Lances, C in Swords, D in Axes - Knight Killer, Holy Edge, Mace
  • 30% B in Axes, C in Axes, D in Swords - Death's Head, Knight's Spear, Slaying Edge


  • 75% C in Lances, D in Swords - Knight's Spear, Killing Edge
  • 25% C in Swords, D in Lances - Holy Edge, Javelin


  • 75% B in Lances, C in Bows, D in Swords -Slayer Bow, Knight's Lance, Killing Edge
  • 25% B in Bows, C in Lances, D in Swords - Knight Killer, Recurve Bow, Killing Edge


  • 50% B in Lances, C in Swords - Knight Killer, Lethal Edge
  • 50% B in Swords, C in Lances - Holy Edge, Knight's Spear

Great Knights

  • 25% B in Swords, C in Axes, D in Lances - Knight's Edge, Knight's Axe, Slaying Edge
  • 50% B in Lances, C in Swords, D in Axes - Knight Killer, Holy Edge, Steel Axe
  • 25% B in Axes, C in Swords, D in Lances - Death's Head, Holy Edge, Soldier's Lance


  • 100% C in Anima Magic -


  • 100% C in Light Magic -

Mage Knights

  • 50% B in Staves, C in Anima -
  • 50% B in Anima, C in Staves -


  • 50% B in Staves, C in Light -
  • 50% B in Light, C in Staves -
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