Classes and National Unique Classes

From Storing Don

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These are the classes available to all soldiers of Maris.


First Tier

Archer - Fast and skilled, Archers are the vast majority of ranged fighters in the armies of Maris. The problem with archers is that they can't wear much armor and maintain their speed and agility.

  • Weapons: Bows
  • Promotes to: Ranger or Sniper

Bard - Musicians and natural supporters, Bards lend their talent to the armies of Maris with an enchanting tune. Bards are extraordinarily agile and difficult to hit, but they have absolutely no offensive value until promoted.

  • Weapons: Rings
  • Promotes to: Sage or Virtuoso

Brawler - Fast, strong, and tough, Brawlers can be found in the forefront of any fight, dishing out as good or better than they receive. Their speed and power comes at the price of accuracy, though most Brawlers pay that price willingly.

  • Weapons: Axes
  • Promotes to: General or Warrior

Brigand - Extremely strong and tough, Brigands have a bad reputation for thievery, although real bandits are no more likely to be Brigands than any other. Brigands are even stronger and tougher than Brawlers, but they sacrifice armor and accuracy.

  • Weapons: Axes
  • Promotes to: Berserker or Warrior
  • Skill: Traverse

Cavalier - The basic mounted soldier, cavaliers are swift-moving warriors that can work just as well on the offense as on the defensive. Cavaliers are, though, as mounted units, vulnerable to pikes and other weapons designed specifically to kill them.

  • Weapons: Lances, Swords
  • Promotes to: Great Knight or Paladin
  • Vulnerabilities: Horseslayer

Cleric - Combat medics or cloistered priests, Clerics are the basic healers of any nation. Clerics are very difficult to hit, but they are fragile, due to their lack of armor. However, every army needs healers.

  • Weapons: Staves
  • Promotes to: Bishop or Valkyrie

Dancer - Another support class, Dancers are even faster than Bards, but their talents are not quite as useful in the battlefield, as one can hear music when behind cover. However, their speed makes them easily equal to a Bard in usefulness.

  • Weapons: Rings
  • Promotes to: Dervish or Rogue

Fencer - Fencers are usually the foppish sons of nobility, seeking adventure and glory on the battlefield. They tend to have balanced physical abilities, with a slight emphasis on speed and skill.

  • Weapons: Swords
  • Promotes to: Hero or Paladin

Fighter - A more civilized and balanced Brigand, fighters retain the high strength and low defenses of the Brigand while becoming quicker and more accurate. Fighters are the usual axefighter for the advanced nations.

  • Weapons: Axes
  • Promotes to: Hero or Warrior

Knight - Heavily armed and armored, Knights are the ultimate defensive soldier available to any nation. Their heavy armor requires a strong body, but it ensures that they will be slow.

  • Weapons: Lances
  • Promotes to: Great Knight or General
  • Vulnerabilities: Armorslayer

Lancer - Swift and strong, Lancers are the masters of using the weapon that gave them their name. They usually wear little armor to give them their high speeds.

  • Weapons: Lances
  • Promotes to: Dragoon or Paladin

Mage - The basic spellcaster of the Anima branch of magic, mages are balanced in all abilities, although they are distinctly frail, like most spellcasters.

  • Weapons: Anima
  • Promotes to: Mage Knight or Sage

Mercenary - Although this class gives many to the profession that bears its name, most can be found in professional armies, where their balanced abilities and skill with the sword makes them more than useful.

  • Weapons: Swords
  • Promotes to: Hero or Ranger

Monk - The basic user of Light magic, Monks are extremely fast on the offensive and agile on the defensive, but they are frailer than the other two combat spellcasters.

  • Weapons: Light Magic
  • Promotes to: Bishop and Mystic

Myrmidon - Quick and dangerous, Myrmidons disdain armor for blinding speed. However, this lack of armor makes them very vulnerable to the single blow that manages to land.

  • Weapons: Swords
  • Promotes to: Assassin or Swordmaster

Pegasus Knight - Pegasi are swift, flying horses, and are used as the quick, skirmishing units of the sky. Pegasi are difficult to hit and resistant to magic, but are weak to bows, as usual for flying creatures, but are also frail.

  • Weapons: Lances
  • Promotes to: Falcoknight or Wyvern Knight
  • Vulnerabilities: Bows

Pirate - To the waters what the Brigands are to the mountains, Pirates are excellent marines and swimmers, making them dangerous on the water and land. They are distinctly focused towards strength and speed, like most axefighters.

  • Weapons: Axes
  • Promotes to: Berserker or Hero
  • Skill: Traverse

Shaman - The toughest and slowest of the magical combat classes, Shamans focus on the Dark Arts, which they stubbornly refer to as Elder Magic. Shamans are also tougher against most mundane attacks, although they are more vulnerable to other magical attacks.

  • Weapons: Dark Magic
  • Promotes to: Druid or Summoner

Soldier - Balanced and disciplined, soldiers are armored yet fast, strong yet accurate. Soldiers make excellent rank and file warriors, although they are certainly no weaker than any other class.

  • Weapons: Lances
  • Promotes to: Dragoon or General

Thief - Spies and saboteurs, Thieves take speed to a whole new level. This speed, though, comes at the price of power.

  • Weapons: Swords
  • Promotes to: Assassin or Rogue
  • Skill: Pickpocket

Troubadour - Equestrian clerics, Troubadours are swift and powerful healers. They are, though, less agile than their infantry cousins, and vulnerable to the usual weakness of a horse.

  • Weapons: Staves
  • Promotes to: Mage Knight or Valkyrie
  • Vulnerabilities: Horseslayer

Wyvern Rider - As strong and tough as the Pegasus is fast, a Wyvern is the Knight of the Sky. Wyvern Riders are suitably tougher and stronger than their cousins, but they are slower, and much more vulnerable to magic.

  • Weapons: Lances
  • Promotes to: Wyvern Lord or Wyvern Knight
  • Vulnerabilities: Beastslayer, Bows

Second Tier

Assassin - Stealthy warriors who have studied the human anatomy, Assassins are dangerous for their ability to kill another person in a single blow. They are stronger and tougher than Rogues, but still focused on speed and skill.

  • Weapons: Swords
  • Skill: Silencer (Chance of instant death.)

Berserker - Strong and tough, Berserkers have the additional ability of being extremely fast. Masters of the axe, berserkers are known for their ability to maim their enemies with single, powerful blows.

  • Weapons: Axes
  • Skill: Mastery (Enhanced probability of landing a critical hit.)

Bishop - Leaders in their respective religions, Bishops are holy and pious individuals, and use that inner strength to lash out with powerful Light magic. Any monster beware; bishops are extraordinarily dangerous against them.

  • Weapons: Light Magic, Staves
  • Skill: Beastslayer

Dervish - Extremely fast and deadly, Dervishes are the masters of the deadly dance called swordplay. They are weak and frail, but even more agile than a Rogue. Their strange, flowing style of combat makes for cuts from strange directions, directions which play on the openings in any suit of armor.

  • Weapons: Rings, Swords
  • Skill: Pierce (Chance to ignore enemy defense.)

Dragoon - The masters of the lance, Dragoons are versatile warriors capable of fighting mounted or on foot. They have devoted all of their skills to the lance, and are extremely balanced in speed and power.

  • Weapons: Lances
  • Skill: Mastery
  • Vulnerabilities: Horseslayer (when mounted)

Druid - Powerful shamans that have enhanced their studies of Elder Magic, Druids are even tougher and more powerful than their lesser cousins. Their mastery of the Dark Arts allows them some control over the natural elements of the world.

  • Weapons: Anima, Dark Magic, Staves

Falcoknight - The valiant queens of the sky, Falcoknights are swift and agile, really just enhanced forms of the Pegasus Knights. Falco Pegasi, the variant on which Falcoknights ride, are heavier and tougher than other Pegasi and possess a horn like a unicorn, although they are just as fast.

  • Weapons: Lances, Swords
  • Vulnerabilities: Bows

General - Knights that have only gone further in the role of defender, Generals are heavily armored and powerful, but they have adapted to the heavy armor more, and are thus faster. Generals wear extraordinarily expensive armor, armor that allows them to ignore many incoming attacks.

  • Weapons: Axes, Lances, Swords
  • Skill: Bastion (Chance to ignore incoming attacks entirely, regardless of damage)
  • Vulnerabilities: Armorslayer

Great Knight - Knights that have mounted or cavaliers that have put on more armor, Great Knights are the mounted equivalent of the General. They are a little less extreme in their abilities, although definitely focused on defense and power over speed.

  • Weapons: Axes, Lances, Swords
  • Vulnerabilities: Horseslayer

Hero - Valiant and dangerous mercenaries, Heroes have donned more armor and become stronger while retaining their speed and skill. Heroes are balanced warriors, formidable on all fronts.

  • Weapons: Axes, Swords

Mage Knight - Mages that have mounted to gain the speed of a horse, Mage Knights are swift and dangerous, although they wear little armor. Mage Knights have excellent defenses against other casters, and are therefore good anti-mages.

  • Weapons: Anima, Staves
  • Vulnerabilities: Horseslayer

Mystic - The cloistered aesthetic or the living saint, Mystics are the masters of Light magic. They tend to be fast and agile, but frail and lacking in true punch, or at least, most of the time.

  • Weapons: Light
  • Skill: Mastery

Paladin - A powerful mounted unit that is well balanced and able to use a variety of weapons, the paladin is the jack-of-all-trades of mounted units.

  • Weapons: Lances, Swords
  • Vulnerabilities: Horseslayer

Ranger - Far riding woodsmen, Rangers are balanced, although they focus mainly on speed and accuracy. They are more than capable of fighting in both melee and range, and due to their quick horses, are more than able to change which the battle is fought with.

  • Weapons: Bows, Swords
  • Skill: Traverse
  • Vulnerabilities: Horseslayer

Rogue - Master spies or talented burglars, Rogues are blazingly fast and just as difficult to hit, but it comes at the price of armor and strength. However, Rogues say that if they get into combat,they aren't doing their job right.

  • Weapons: Swords
  • Skill: Master Thief

Sage - Powerful masters of the natural and spiritual world, Sages focus on skill and speed without being dependent on those abilities. They are stronger than a Bishop, but faster than a Druid.

  • Weapons: Anima, Light Magic, Staves
  • Note: Sages that promote from Bards have Rings instead of Staves.

Sniper - The ultimate archer, Snipers are the masters of the far shot, the shot into the crowd, or the shot between the eyes at two hundred paces. Snipers are enhanced versions of archers as far as abilities go: fast and agile, but not too fast to avoid total weakness.

  • Weapons: Bows
  • Skill: Mastery

Summoner - Summoners have foregone some of the mastery over the Elder Arts that their Druid cousins enjoy for the ability to summon powerful and dangerous creatures from the realms beyond death. They have abilities like most Druids, although less extreme.

  • Weapons: Dark Magic, Staves
  • Skill: Summoning - The skill that gave them their name, Summoners have the special ability to summon a variety of creatures, detailed in the magic page.

Swordmaster - As their name implies, Swordmasters are the undisputed masters of the blade. Fast and agile, Swordmasters disdain armor - true warriors aren't hit, so why would they need armor?

  • Weapons: Swords
  • Skill: Mastery

Valkyrie - The Light Magic version of the Mage Knight, Valkyries are fast and skilled combatants, using their horses to react to anything on the battlefield. They are, though, frailer than the Mage Knight, but faster to make up for it.

  • Weapons: Light Magic, Staves
  • Vulnerabilities: Horseslayer

Virtuoso - The masters of the changing arts of magic, Virtuosos are Bards that have discovered the latent magic in music, and use that to their best power. They are still extremely fast, but they have given up some of that speed for offensive abilities.

  • Weapons: Anima, Rings
  • Skill: Null (Virtuosos are unaffected Weapon Triangle disadvantages.)

Warrior - Knowing that not all battles are fought in melee, Warriors have pulled out a bow to assist their axe skills. They are by far the strongest and toughest archer, as they need to be powerful enough to stand in melee with Berserkers, Generals and Great Knights, which they more than manage.

  • Weapons: Axes, Bows

Wyvern Knight - Riding the two-legged Wyrm variety of Wyverns, Wyvern Knights are a balanced flying class, focusing on skill in all aspects but mastery of none. Wyrms are more resistant to magic than other Wyverns, but they aren't as tough.

  • Weapons: Lances
  • Vulnerabilities: Bows, Beastslayer
  • Skill: Pierce

Wyvern Lord - Mounted on the largest, toughest Wyverns, the Drakes, Wyvern Lords are the toughest and strongest flyers, and more than willing to prove it.

  • Weapons: Swords, Lances
  • Vulnerabilities: Bows, Beastslayer

National 2nd Tiers

Ainori Special Upgrades

  • Archer --> Hussar, Ranger, or Sniper
  • Cavalier --> Grail Knight, Great Knight, Hussar, or Paladin
  • Cleric --> Bishop, Missionary or Sage
  • Knight --> Banner Knight, General, Grail Knight, or Great Knight
  • Mercenary --> Banner Knight, Hero, or Ranger
  • Monk --> Bishop, Missionary, or Mystic
  • Soldier --> Banner Knight, Dragoon, or General

Banner Knight - Usually promoted from the peasant class, Banner Knights are so called because of the large flags they wear attached to their backplates. These banners usually show off what noble house or knightly order they belong to, as well as the individual knight's sigil - they are so excited about becoming nobles, they lose most of their common sense. Banner Knights are quick and powerful, but due to their zeal, their accuracy leaves much to be desired.

  • Weapons: Axes, Lances, Swords
  • Skill: Zeal (Banner Knights have a slightly increased chance to perform critical hits with all weapons.)
  • Vulnerabilities: Horseslayer

Grail Knight - The epitome of chivalry, Grail Knights are probably the ultimate knights. Called by the gods to quest for the Grail, they are holy and pious Knights. All of their abilities are far above average, but unless they are searching for the Grail, their skills cannot be increased as fast.

  • Weapons: Swords, Lances, Light Magic
  • Skill: BeastSlayer
  • Vulnerabilities: Horseslayer, XP Penalty (Unless Grail Knights are directly hunting for the Grail, they do not gain levels as fast as other units)

Hussar - Hussars are the light cavalry of Ainor, and are by far the best scouts on the continent. Hussars are excellent support troops, as well as extremely good anticavalry. They are usually agile and skillful with a slight weakness in strength and defenses, but on a whole, Hussars are pretty balanced.

  • Weapons: Bows, Swords, Lances
  • Skill: Horseslayer, Stealth
  • Vulnerabilities: Horseslayer

Missionary - The Ainori are fervent in their faith, and Missionaries are only a logical extension of this. With impassioned words and pleas, Missionaries are capable of disarming or converting most opponents. Missionaries have extremely powerful Light magic, but they have even fewer defenses than most casters.

  • Weapons: Light Magic, Staves
  • Skill: Conversion (Ainori Missionaries are capable of swaying enemy soldiers to join their side with impassioned words and miracles; very low chance of working on soldiers, but very good on civilians)

Endal Special Upgrades

  • Cavalier --> Champion, Great Knight, or Paladin
  • Knight --> General, Great Knight, Legionary, or Praetorian
  • Mage --> Mage Knight, Pyromancer, or Sage
  • Mercenary --> Hero, Legionary, or Ranger
  • Soldier --> Dragoon, General, Legionary, or Praetorian

Champion - The ultimate cavalry of the Empire, Champions live only to serve their Emperor. They are utterly fearless and are always at the forefront of the battle, bringing glory to their Emperor. Champions are pretty well balanced, with a focus on doing good damage quickly. Champions are good against physical targets, but magic is effective against them.

  • Weapons: Lances, Swords
  • Skill: Courage
  • Vulnerabilities: Horseslayer

Legionary - The ultimate of Endalian organization and discipline, Legionaries are versatile and talented troops that are masters of every formation known to commanders. Armed with the standard Endalian sword and lance, Legionaries bear heavy armor and hold heavy shields, allowing them to stand and fight, but they remain quick enough to charge and flank enemies. Legionaries are the ultimate balanced soldier, weak in no aspect and strong in all, but master of none.

  • Weapons: Lances, Swords
  • Skill: Tactical Expertise (Legionaries are trained constantly to fight as one. When two Legionaries are nearby, they each get a slight boost to the ability mote closely related to the formation they are in or tactic they are employing. For example, a charge would give boosts to strength and movement, whereas a defensive formation would give a bonus to physical and magical defenses. The more Legionaries in one area, the greater the boost they all receive.)

Praetorian - The Imperial Guard, Praetorians are always with their Emperor, and are always ready to die for him. They are masters of all weapons, as well as the techniques necessary to keep their lord alive. Praetorians are extremely well balanced, with abilities differing from person to person.

  • Weapons: Axes, Lances, Swords
  • Skill: Guardian
  • Vulnerabilities: Armorslayer

Pyromancer - In the image of the first Emperor, Pyromancers forsake all kinds of magic in order to become masters of the fire that lives within. They are the most powerful users of Fire magic on the continent. Pyromancers focus on offense, with a complete lack of defenses.

  • Weapons: Anima (Fire Only)
  • Skill - Mastery, Null

Illyrian Special Upgrades

  • Brigand --> Berserker, Juggernaught or Warrior
  • Fighter --> Enforcer, Hero, or Warrior
  • Mercenary --> Enforcer, Hero, or Ranger
  • Pirate --> Berserker, Juggernaught or Warrior
  • Shaman --> Druid, Morphomancer or Summoner
  • Soldier --> Dragoon, Enforcer, or General
  • Wyvern Rider --> Overseer, Wyvern Knight, or Wyvern Lord

Enforcer - Enforcers are the direct hands of the High Lord in Illyrian Armies, and report only to the Master of Illyria. Morphs one and all, Enforcers are trained in many styles of melee combat, not to mention ranged weaponry, and are trained to be as brutal and swift as possible. They act as assassins, spies, and guerrilla warriors in Illyrian forces, and inside the nation itself, they act as the long arm of the High Lord's law.

  • Weapons: Axes, Bows, Swords
  • Skill: Stealth

Juggernaught - Some Morphs have been created for the sole purpose of being living battering rams - these are the Juggernaughts. Impervious to most attacks, Juggernaughts are capable of slaying enemies in a single, brutal strike. Juggernaughts are extremely tough and extremely strong, but no suit of armor is big enough to cover them.

  • Weapons: Axes, Lances
  • Skill: Silencer
  • Vulnerabilities: Beastslayer

Morphomancer - The only people able to create Morphs, Morphomancers are by far the most valued assets of the Illyrian Army. They are worse in combat than Druids, but their ability to create Morphs makes up for it. Morphomancers are very balanced, with abilities differing from person to person.

  • Weapons: Dark Magic, Staves
  • Skill: Create Morph

Overseer - The officers of the Illyrian army, Overseers are masters of their mounts and of tactics. Overseers are capable of manipulating morphs, but not creating them. Overseers are tough and strong, but have a distinct lack of mobility.

  • Weapons: Axes, Lances
  • Skill - Dominate Morph
  • Vulnerabilities: Bows, Beastslayer

Kaeldar Special Upgrades

  • Fighter --> Warrior, Hero, or Boar Rider
  • Lancer --> Dragoon, Paladin, or Boar Rider
  • Knight --> General, Great Knight, or Kuat
  • Soldier --> General, Dragoon, or Kuat
  • Mercenary --> Hero, Swordmaster, or Besar
  • Myrmidon --> Swordmaster, Assassin, or Besar
  • Fighter --> Hero, Warrior, or Hou'imi
  • Archer --> Sniper, Ranger, or Hou'imi

Hutan - Riders of the single most abundant animal in the Kaeldar Isles, their giant boars are trained to be more than just mounts. The boars will willingly ram themselves into any object, wall, tree, anything, which means a lot with their immense weight and size, as they can get taller than their mounts. The riders have weapons, but they don't work as well on the back of a boar. Only the most adept warriors of the Kaeldar take up boar riding, as it's an amazingly difficult ability to master. The skin of the boars is extremely thick and tough, to the point of needing no armor, though the riders are usually equipped with pretty thick armor.

  • Weapons - Lances, Axes
  • Vulnerabilities - Beastslayer

Kuat - Kuats are the Praetorians of Dai'ka, and they are more than just the emperor's best. These men will die, suffer, and work for their emperor, and will do whatever he commands. Trained initially by the Praetorians of Endal, these soldiers are armored, adept with all weapons, well balanced. Their barbaric fighting style, a combination of what they learned from Endal and their roots, is powerful and effective in war, and with their armor it makes them all but invincible. Their only bane is magic, which they cannot protect themselves from.

  • Weapons - Swords, Lances, Axes
  • Skill - Guardian
  • Vulnerabilites - Armorslayer

Besar - These men are taken straight from the deepest, most wild jungle tribes of Kaeldar. They wear very little clothing and usually no armor but a thick helmet for the higher ranked Besars, these men have gained great strength and agility from their homes, making them gigantic swift bringers of death. They wield swords, usually two long sabers, and basically run around flailing, which is not a good thing for anyone remotely close to them. They can kill anything around them easily, but anything that can hit them can kill them just as easily.

  • Weapons - Swords
  • Skill - Mastery (Swords), Null

Hou'imi - These men have trained all their lives in the deep jungles, hunting Kaeldar's native species, and as such have become very skilled at both fighting as well as hunting animals and monsters. Also, due to living most of their lives deep in the jungles, Hou'imis are experienced with traveling swiftly and quietly through them, and are often used as scouts.

  • Weapons - Axes, Bows
  • Skill - Beastslayer, Stealth

Lequall Special Upgrades

  • Archer --> Ranger, Sniper, or Stalker
  • Knight --> General, Great Knight or Hoplite
  • Mage --> Mage Knight, Sage, Stalker, or War Mage
  • Mercenary --> Hero, Immortal or Swordmaster
  • Myrmidon --> Assassin, Immortal, War Mage or Swordmaster
  • Soldier --> Dragoon, General, or Hoplite

Hoplite - The heavy infantry of a nation renowned for heavy infantry, Hoplites are the ultimate front line warriors of Lequall. Their shields are so large and heavy, projectile weapons become virtually worthless against the Hoplites. Hoplites have very heavy armor and are very strong, but they lack speed and defenses against magical attacks.

  • Weapons: Lances, Swords
  • Skill: Bastion, Hoplon (Hoplites are resistant to Bows)
  • Vulnerabilities: Armorslayer

Immortal - The Elite warriors of the Lequall armies, Immortals come only from the Houses of the Marshals. They are as fast as lightning, as strong as the waves, and as tough as the earth. Immortals are well balanced, with a slight emphasis on weapon skill and agility.

  • Weapons: Bows, Swords
  • Skill: Courage

Stalker - The advance scouts of Lequallian forces, Stalkers are highly trained, like all Lequallian soldiers, although they are not trained in the arts of standing battle. Stalkers march through the woods, armed with their bows and spells, to destroy enemy forward positions, harass enemy logistics and even assassinate enemy commanders. Stalkers are lightly armored for Lequallian soldiers, focusing instead on power and speed.

  • Weapons: Anima, Bows
  • Skill: Stealth, Traverse

War Mage - The Lequall are famous for their combined arms units, blending steel and magic. The War Mages are the epitome of that amalgam, capable of fighting with both sword and spell. War Mages focus on the offensive, but they are still relatively well balanced.

  • Weapons: Anima, Swords, Staves
  • Skill: Combat Enchanters - War Mages can imbue anything almost instantly, and are the only class that can imbue multiple things at once. The more things they try to imbue, though, the longer it will take to complete.

Sons of Sand Special Upgrades

  • Cleric --> Bishop, Seer, or Valkyrie
  • Mage --> Elementalist, Mage Knight or Sage
  • Monk --> Bishop, Mystic or Seer
  • Myrmidon --> Assassin, Bedine or Swordmaster
  • Shaman --> Druid, Summoner or Warlock

Bedine - The wanderers of the desert wastes, the Bedines are fanatically devoted to protecting the sands of their home. They are fast and powerful, but their desert habitat makes armor worthless to them.

  • Weapons: Swords, Lances
  • Skill: Traverse, Stealth

Elementalist - As befits the studious and magical nature of the Sons of Sand, Elementalists are Mages who pursued mastery of the elements over everything else. Elementalists have extremely powerful magic, but they lack armor of all kinds.

  • Weapons: Anima
  • Skill - Mastery

Seer - Seers are Monks who have become more ascetic than clerical - their sight sees beyond this world, into times or places other than our own. Seers are unbelievably agile, a result of their abilities to see into the future, but they lack power.

  • Weapons: Light, Staves
  • Skill: Divination (Seers are the best spies ever, and can determine the enemy's movements before the enemy even knows they are going to make them.)

Warlock - Shamans that have falled prey to the destructive nature of Dark magic are called Warlocks. Their magic is extremely powerful, albeit very inaccurate. Warlocks have abilities similar to Druids, although their particular skills make their spells more powerful yet innacurate.

  • Weapons: Anima, Dark
  • Skill: Destructive Nature (Warlock weapons are extremely powerful, but much more innacurate)

Tavrica Special Upgrades

  • Archer --> Frontiersman, Ranger or Sniper
  • Fighter --> Frontiersman, Hero or Warrior
  • Lancer --> Dragoon, Hunter or Paladin
  • Pegasus Knight --> Falcoknight, Gryphon Knight or Wyvern Knight
  • Thief --> Assassin, Rogue or Wanderer

Frontiersman - The ultimate in difficult terrain fighting, Frontiersmen are Tavrica's guerilla warriors; capable of slipping through any tough land. Frontiersmen are swift and skillful, but they are unable to wear heavy armor as a result.

  • Weapons: Axes, Bows
  • Skill: Traverse, Stealth, Ranger - Fronterismen get bonuses if fighting in difficult terrain.

Gryphon Knight - The mighty Gryphon is the most powerful creature of the Tavrican wildernesses, and so it is fitting that the most powerful of the Tavrican mounted warriors would ride this beast. Gryphon Knights are extremely powerful and tough, but they lack a great deal of agility.

  • Weapons: Bows, Lances
  • Vulnerabilities: Beastslayer, Bows

Hunter - The many beasts that roam the Tavrican wildernesses are an everpresent danger - except when a Hunter is around. Hunters have abilities like that of the Frontiersmen.

  • Weapons: Bows, Lances
  • Skill: Beastslayer, Steatlh

Wanderer - There are many wanderers throughout Tavrica - most of them good, a few evil. They are experts at never being seen - by their victims or their assisted. Wanderers are very fast and agile, but they lack power and defenses.

  • Weapons: Bows, Swords
  • Skill: Silencer, Stealth

The Thanedoms Special Upgrades

  • Fencer --> Hero, Highlander or Paladin
  • Cavalier --> Great Knight, Paladin or Thegn
  • Knight --> Dreadnought, General, Great Knight, or Heir
  • Lancer --> Dragoon, Highlander or Paladin
  • Pegasus Knight --> Falcoknight, Heir, or Wyvern Knight

Dreadnought - Wearing the heaviest armor of any soldier, a Dreadnought is a slow but implacable enemy, unstoppable and immovable. Dreadnoughts have very high defenses, but they are even slower than most defensive troops.

  • Weapons: Axes, Lances
  • Skills: Bastion, Immune to Silencer
  • Vulnerabilities: Armorslayer

Heir - The traditions of Ilia still live in the Thanes, and these warriors take that to an extreme. Heirs are the vanguard of the Thane air force, due to their valor and skill. Although heavily armored in the typical Thane fashion, Heirs ride Pegasi, which gaurantee their speed and skill, making them a powerful force in the skies over any battlefield.

  • Weapons - Axes, Lances
  • Skill: Delphi Shield (Heirs are, as a result of the heavy armor and skilled riders, unaffected by the usual aerial weakness of the bow.)

Highlander - The stereotypical warriors of the Thanedoms, Highlanders are fast and tough, easily able to defend their lands. Highlanders have high physical stats, but are especially weak against magic.

  • Weapons: Lances, Swords
  • Skill: Courage

Thegn - The guardians of the Thanes, Thegns are powerful mounted soldiers that are second only to the cavalry of Ainor. Thegns are essentially even more exagerated versions of Great Knights - tough yet slow.

  • Weapons: Axes, Lances, Swords
  • Skill: Guardian
  • Vulnerabilities: Horseslayer

Vadal Special Upgrades

  • Bard --> Sage, Skald, or Virtuoso
  • Cavalier --> Great Knight, Jarl or Paladin
  • Fighter --> Hero, Huskarl or Warrior
  • Mage --> Mage Knight, Sage, or Skald
  • Mercenary --> Hero, Hersir or Swordmaster
  • Pirate --> Berserker, Huskarl or Warrior

Hersir - Heroes of the Vadal, the Hersir are those who stood with the High Prince Skeid Odyr against the White Dragons. Their skill against enemy creatures is undeniable. Hersir have abilities similar to that of Heroes; balanced, but a slight emphasis on skill and speed, although they have above average capabilities in all forms.

  • Weapons: Axes, Swords and Lances
  • Skill: Beastslayer

Huskarl - The guards of powerful Vadal lords, Huskarls are among the most loyal soldiers of any army. Huskarls have high defenses and strength, but they are not quite as exxagerated as the other heavy armor troops.

  • Weapons: Axes, Bows
  • Skill: Guardian

Jarl - The heavy cavalry of the Vadal peoples, Jarls are lords of the Vadal, second only to the mighty Princes. Jarls have very high physical abilities, but are vulnerable to magic.

  • Weapons: Lances, Swords
  • Skill: Bastion
  • Vulnerabilities: Horseslayer

Skald - Skalds are the warrior-priests of Vadal, singing chants to the gods as they march into battle with their fellows. They are good warriors, but their true purpose is to write.

  • Weapons - Anima, Rings, Swords
  • Skill: Runecarving (Runes are, at their heart, not just letters, but special artifacts. The correct order of Runes can produce magical effects, with the larger chain of runes, the more powerful the effect becomes. Runestones act as artillery-ranged, area of effect staves (centered on the stone). They are very weak, extremely weak in compared to actual staves, and they take months to write even the weakest. The longer the amount of time spent on the Runestone the more powerful it is.)

Skill Descriptions

  • Bastion - Bastion is the ability that only heavy armor can give. It represents the ability of heavy armor to completely ignore some attacks, as they merely glance off the tempered metal. (Chance to ignore incoming attacks entirely, regardless of damage.)
  • Courage - Some classes are known for their heroism, and this is because they have a daring spirit. Courage enables the classes to strike many times more often than they usually would be able to, but they only have a chance of doing this. (Chance to strike twice like a Brave weapon.)
  • Guardian - Many classes are used almost exclusively as guardians for more powerful and influential men. Warriors with guardian are able to block attacks for nearby allies with minimum risk to themselves.
  • Hoplon - Shields are perhaps a warrior's best friend when combating archers, and the Hoplon skill enables troops to either completely ignore or drastically reduce ranged attack damage. (Increased defense against Bows).
  • Mastery - A warrior with mastery is an expert in the weapons they can use, allowing them to deal devastating strikes with surprising regularity. Mastery comes at a price, though, because the ability to use this skill comes with only using a single weapon type. (Enhanced probability of landing a critical hit.)
  • Master Thief - Master Thieves are expert spies and saboteurs, capable of picking any lock and seeing very well in the darkness.
  • Null - An ability that makes fighting a possessing class very difficult, Null prevents the weapon triangle from affecting the caster with Null in a negative way. They get all the benefits but none of the penalties. (Cannot suffer from weapon triangle disadvantage, retains advantage where applicable.)
  • Pickpocket - Thieves possessing this skill are quick and nimble-fingered, allowing them to steal items - but not weapons - from slower units.
  • Pierce - A powerful ability that allows the user to pierce through any armor, this skill is only able to be used by thrusting weapons like the lance or the bow. Pierce is negated by Bastion, however, for no matter how much power is behind a strike it might still just glance off the armor. (Chance to ignore enemy defense, but if enemy possesses Bastion and Bastion activates, Bastion has priority.)
  • Silencer - A very dangerous ability, Silencer kills the target instantly. It can only be achieved by having either extreme strength or skill, so very few classes have it. Silencer is, however, very difficult to use and cannot be relied upon for victory. (Chance of instant death.)
  • Slayer - Certain classes excel against certain enemies. The most common kind of Slayer is Monsterslayer, which allows the class to deal extreme damage to monsters. All kinds of Slayer are possible though. (Acts as if weapons possess the described -slayer Modifier.)
  • Stealth - Certain classes are excellent at hiding and sneaking through terrain unseen. If a class has stealth, they are extraordinarily difficult to find in any sort of concealing terrain, from thick forest to tall grass.
  • Traverse - Only the frontiersmen of the world possess this skill, as they have trained their entire lives in going through difficult terrain. Units possessing this skill are not easily hampered by terrain.
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