From Stmargarets
Panda, who was previously refered to as Dareck by ignorants who had not yet discovered his true identity, is something akin to a St. Margaret's high school legend. He is widely known and praised for his laziness and his almost magical talent at strategy games. In protest of having to physically move from class to class, Panda took a hint from civil rights leaders like Martin Luther King Jr and Mohondas Gandhi and took his own stand of civil disobedience by refusing to move. While unsuccessful, he was a hero to many around the school with similar aspirations for not wanting to expend energy on physical activities.
[edit] Panda Sightings
There were many calls to Animal Control and the San Diego Zoo, most of which reporting sightings of a real live panda walking around the campus and attending classes. While the sightings became rather commonplace, nobody ever discovered the identity or history of the mysterious panda.
[edit] Panda Sayings
While rumor has it that Panda has never spoken in any language besides his native tongue, Pandanese, he has accumulated several sayings.
- Panda's number 1
- Panda!!