Other Character Email Scratch/age
From Sthfanstuffwiki
Scratch gets questions about his age.
Cast (in order of appearance): Scratch, Grounder
Places: Scratch's House
Computer: Cluckmac 92
Date: January 19, 2008
[edit] Transcript
{Cut to Scratch at the Cluckmac}
SCRATCH: Mah boi, this email is what all true Scratches strive for!
GROUNDER: I just wonder what Robotnik's up to...
SCRATCH: Enough. {slaps Grounder}
Dear Scratch, I've seen you drink and Grounder smoke. Are you guys old enough to be doin' that stuff? Scatfully yours, John
SCRATCH: {typing} My age is none of your buisness! You don't ask a robot his age...it may cause some distortion with the mainframe from...th-th-thinking and...eeeeee-oooo...AHAHA!
{Scratch's head blows off and lands next to Grounder}
SCRATCH: A little help?
{Grounder puts Scrtch's head back on}
SCRATCH: Well...lets see...it's 2008. Grounder, look up when Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog was released.
GROUNDER: Yes, sir. {salutes and rolls off}
SCRATCH: Meanwhile...I'll do stuff...
{Scratch is playing with a paddleball, "5 minutes later" is on the bottom of the screen}
SCRATCH: Paddle...paddle...paddle...
{Scratch is on Youtube, "10 minutes later" is on the bottom of the screen}
SOMETHING IN THE VIDEO: Pickle pickle pickle.
{a boom is heard}
SCRATCH: Wow...that sucked.
{Cut to Scratch's Living Room, Scratch is lying on the couch playing a Gameboy, "20 minutes later" is on the bottom of the screen}
SCRATCH: Damn it, Link! Kill the thing!
{Back to the Computer Room, Scratch is on [www.homestarrunner.com], "30 minutes later" is on the bottom of the screen}
SCRATCH: Oh, Puppet Homestar, you crack me up. Crack. Me. Up!
{Scratch is asleep at the Cluckmac, "1 hour later" is on the bottom of the screen}
GROUNDER: Actually, I found it 5 minutes ago.
SCRATCH: Then why didn't you tell me!?
GROUNDER: Uh...a wizard did it. Anyway, you're only 14.
SCRATCH: But that's 21 in...erm...robot years, correct?
SCRATCH: Bird years?
GROUNDER: Maybe...
SCRATCH: Let's just go with age 21 for me...for legal issues.
{The Paper comes down}